Slash, Talking To You About Axl...

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You were drinking scoth when Slash approached you.

"Hey..." He uttered then sat beside you on the fluffy couch in the studio.

You flip your gaze at him from the glass. "What's up?"

"I got to tell yah som'in..." The poof of curls sighed then looked at you sincerely. His brown orbs were like two vortex sucking you in. You were mesmerized. "I hate Axl."

You smirked at his usual phrase. "Man, what's new?"

"I think it's affecting me..." He retorted. "I hate him so much that I don't want anyone hating him..."

You frowned. "Go on..."

He sighed again then brushed back his curls behind his head so he could see you better. "I dont know... I just feel it you know? Like...there's this one time, I was talking with one of his close acquaintances while having a drink in a party. He said something shitty about Axl and I punched him right on the face."

"Ow!" You winced at the picture. "Why would you do that? It's over the line, man."

"It's just...he said that he's a good for nothing jerk, but he's MY good for nothing jerk. And whenever he's with other girls, I couldn't help but feel defensive cuz I know they wouldn't stay that long and would leave him. Cuz every time he got serious to a girl, the moment he said to them that he got this bipolar disorder or sumshit, they would back out. I just want him to be by my side... Where... You know, he could be his real self and be accepted without any shitfucks."

You couldn't help but smile. His answer has a deeper meaning anf you found it. "Dude... You're in love..."

He cringed. "No I'm not!"

Your smile widen. "Yes you are. Look at your face! You're blushing!"

"No I'm not! Punch me if you ever think I'm in love with him!"

So you did. Right on his face. Straight black eye.


"It's simple. CUZ YOU'RE IN LOVE WITH HIM!!"

"GOODDAMNIT!" Slash grunted. He later went to Axl in the recording room. "Axl, get ready cuz WE'RE GOING TO A FREAKING DATE!!"

The redhead singer smirked. "Thought you'd never ask."

"Sweetttt!!!!" The rest of the band cheered.

And so the SLAXL was born. All thanks to your help.


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