Types Of Crazed Fangirl... But Like Drunk (All About Slash)

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The Collector.

A fan that collects all disposed possessions of his/her idol-crush.

"Oh my gosh! I found the tissue of Slash wet with his awesome sweat! I'd make it my perfume so I could smell him with me whenever I go!"

"Yes! I got a strand of Slash's curly hair with a little piece of skin at the end! I'll put it in my scrap book!"

"Holy shit! I have Slash's water bottle that he just emptied! It'll earn a place in my Slash altar!"

The Stalker

A fan that follows him secretly whenever he goes and takes weird n' unwanted pictures.

*In the bedroom* "He looks so beautiful when asleep. Oh! That cute drool! I better take a pic!"

*In the kitchen*  "He's so great flipping a bread on the pan. Wish I could come out the cabinet and compliment him face to face."

*In the shower* "Oohh... Nice....I really want to join you Slash...but I'm stuck in the trashbin. Oh well, I'll just take pictures of you to fantasize with when I get home.

The Attacker

A fan that when you see him, yo go straight at him and express your love for him but came out attacking him instead with yoh craziness.

*Sees his car parking nearby. You decided to jump on his windshield* "Slash! Take me with you! I love you!"

"Slash! Hug me!" *Then ran atop the stage and into him, crashing him over the ground.*

*Grip him on his foot while performing, not letting go.* "Don't leave me! I love you!" *You later got dragged away by security.*

And then you'll wonder why he filed you a restraining order...

Spoiler Alert: That is all me.


Which one are you? But with who?

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