How You Met

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Enjolras: Funny story, when you first meet, you hated each other. You had gone to the Musain to finish what your grandfather never could, freeing the people of France. He had denied you right there because you were a girl, which angered you. When he had the nerve to request that you ask your grandfather to support his cause, you punched him in the face. Apollo sported a black eye for a week after that incident.

Combeferre: You were pickpocketing with your sisters: Azelma and Éponine, when you saw a man that looked as though he wouldn't miss a few francs. Let's just say he offered to buy you dinner since you were apparently so desperate...

Courfeyrac: You had known Courfeyrac since you were young. After all, he and Marius were very close. Your grandfather didn't exactly approve of you two being so close, but you never listened to anything he told you in the first place.

Jehan: When you two met, the poor boy was head over heels for you, which wasn't exactly surprising. Jehan fell in love easily. His hopes and dreams were crushed when he saw you and Enjolras hugging, but, when he asked Enjolras who he was dating, the marble statue laughed out loud and told the poet that you were his cousin. Then he went back into true Enjolras fashion and told Jehan not to get any ideas.

Grantaire: You and Grantaire had met while you were helping your mother. The guy's a regular, you were bound to meet at some point. He ended up at the Musain more and more often, but he would never admit that it was because of the pretty barmaid...

Joly: Joly was taking a walk one day when he found you half-dead, shivering in an alleyway. He acted fast, scooping you up after a moment's hesitation (he didn't know what illness you might have had that he could catch), and he brought you to his apartment, putting you by the fire and wrapping you in blankets while he tended to your wounds. You ended up becoming great friends, seeing as he wouldn't let you leave his home until you were completely better.

Marius: You had met Marius while in the market with your sister and adoptive father. Well, maybe 'met' isn't the right word. You had met eyes as he bumped into Cosette, and, unlike him, didn't feel as though you were in love, but had definitely felt a strong attraction to the flustered boy. The only thing that held you back from greeting him was the strangely familiar man and women, ones that brought you back to your childhood.

Éponine: You were walking around the park with your friend, Feuilly when you saw a girl looking very sad. You had gone over to see what was wrong and as she told you her story after quite a bit of persuasion on your part, you found yourself checking on her more and more often. It wasn't long before you started fearing that maybe- just maybe, you had fallen in love with her. And yet, it didn't feel as wrong as you thought it should.

Feuilly: You had followed Grantaire to the Musain one day, not wanting to spend another night looking for him while he was in an intoxicated state. You had conversed with his friends for a while before it was time to lug Grantaire home. Feuilly, one of the men you had met earlier, had offered to help you carry your brother. You were relieved that he offered and you ended up becoming better friends because of it.

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