Last Words They Tell You Before The Barricade

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Enjolras: "Please, do not follow me. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if something happened to you."

Combeferre: "My Love, keep me in your prayers."

Courfeyrac: "Hey, don't cry. I'll be home soon."

Jehan: "Dearest, the flower doesn't always know when it's butterfly will return. I will love you until the night collapses."

Grantaire: "I'll be home as soon as I prove myself."

Joly: "I'm expecting the house to still be intact when I return, Love.

Marius: "My place is with my friend, but I will remember my promise."

Éponine: "I would never forgive myself if I let something happen to my best friend, you have to understand!"

Feuilly: "I'll fight for us."

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