If You Stayed

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A/N: This is angsty as hell and super depressing. If death triggers you, don't read this chapter. I care about you brats and I don't want you to do stupid things. Love y' all.

Enjolras: You were anxiety-ridden. The only thing keeping you from going after your husband was your grandfather. A few nights later, your incredibly injured husband returned home, traumatized and upset, but alive. It was a long road to recovery but he was alive.

Combeferre: It was Éponine who told you. She had been terribly injured but made it out. Gavroche and Combeferre hadn't been so lucky, however. You were devastated and relied on her and Azelma to go on. Everything had only served as a reminder of your deceased husband.

Courfeyrac: Marius had been the one to break the news to you. He had been rescued from the barricade, but no one else made it out. Your heart shattered and all you could think about was how you wished you had been there. You eventually realized that Courfeyrac would want you to smile for him, so you did. But on the inside, you were never the same.

Jehan: You hadn't slept since your husband and cousin left to the barricade. You spent every waking moment praying for them to survive. it wasn't long before Marius had appeared at your door, a broken look on his face. You instantly shook your head as your hands flew up to your mouth, but there was no way to deny it. They hadn't survived. You gave birth to a son a few months later, naming him after Jehan and Enjolras. You never failed to remind him of the great men who fought for him.

Grantaire: Grantaire had shown up back at home, his eyes blank and tearful. He had woken up to find everyone dead. All you could do was cry with him and mourn. You later had children together and told them stories of the brave men who fought for freedom and the brave woman who died alongside them.

Joly: You had waited and waited and waited for him to come home. He told you he would be home, he promised he would be. He said everything would be fine. It wasn't until Combeferre came to tell you that you found out. Everything crashed down around you and you ended up with the white plague years later. You died from the illness and rejoined your husband.

Marius: Your father saved him after he'd been shot. You had tended to him for weeks and helped him through the trauma- both physical and mental- he'd received. You and Cosette stood by him and every day he got a little bit better.

Éponine: You were about to leave the house to find Éponine herself when her face showed up at your door. She had a new scar from a bullet and she lost her brother, but you had never been so happy to see her. You just held her and didn't plan on letting go as you both mourned your friends.

Feuilly: You had lost them. Grantaire and Courfeyrac and Feuilly were all gone. The most important people in your life were in their graves and you were unable to do anything about it. You spent the rest of your days living like a ghost. Working to eat and sleep under a roof but you were never the same. You longed for the day that you would see them again. Almost a decade after they had left, you had come down with pneumonia. You spent your final moments next to their graves, joining your husband, best friend, and brother in the garden of the lord.

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