They Realize They Like You

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Enjolras: It took forever and a day, but Enjolras had ultimately realized that he was infatuated with you ever since the day you punched him. This epiphany came when he saw you conversing with a commoner and he felt nothing but hatred for the man.

Combeferre: Honestly, when he first met you, he had pitied you. After he bought you something to eat, however, he started talking to you and he realized that maybe, just maybe, he was a bit smitten with you.

Courfeyrac: Let's be real, this guy's a flirt. He had never really thought too hard about his feelings around women. One day, when he saw a man flirting with you, he realized that what he felt for you might not just be a sibling love, after all.

Jehan: As stated before, Jehan falls in love easily, and you were no exception. He was pretty much wrapped around your finger from the moment he laid eyes on you. The only thing standing in his way when it came to acting on his feelings was Enjolras (and his own shyness, but your cousin was a much bigger obstacle here.).

Grantaire: This cynical realist had never believed in anything or anyone except for Enjolras, but here he was, finding himself spending more time at the Musain than ever before. That wouldn't have been so strange, had it not been for him talking to you more than actually drinking. He continued to tell himself that he just enjoyed the atmosphere of the pub, but he could never escape his true feelings, not forever.

Joly: For a hypochondriac, Joly sure had no problem being close to you. He felt obligated to protect you from the outside world, despite your protests that you were a tough cookie. It wasn't until he talked to Jehan that he found that he had an attraction to you.

Marius: Marius. Oh, sweet, naïve, socially awkward, oblivious Marius. He was convinced that you were his soulmate from the very moment you two met eyes. It took a bit of convincing, but he had managed to convince his best friend, Éponine, to hunt you down and bring him to you. You had actually had a small conversation with Éponine and you were happy to see that she had become much kinder from when you were children. When she brought Marius to you, he had confessed his love for you. You felt yourself return his attraction and thanked Éponine profusely after you and Marius bid goodbye.

Éponine: Éponine was in denial. She only held feelings for Marius, right? She couldn't love a woman. But, then again, this was Éponine, and she didn't play by the rules. It took a long time for her to just admit it to herself. She was falling in love with the kind woman who had listened to her in the park.

Feuilly: This poor guy. He worked so much that he didn't have much time to think about you. When you started flooding his thoughts, however, he felt stuck in between frustration and happiness. You distracted him to a fault, but it wasn't until he ended up always making his fans in ways that he thought you would like that he understood that he was a little bit in love with you.

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