How You Cuddle

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Enjolras: Enjolras isn't exactly huge on cuddling, but at night, he enjoys holding you close so he knows you're there.

Combeferre: Combeferre reads to you. A lot. Usually, when this happens, you lay your head in his lap and he plays with your hair.

Courfeyrac: Courfeyrac is honestly such a cuddle whore. Seriously, this guy will cuddle with you any chance he gets. Whether he's hugging you from behind with his chin resting on your head, or he's spooning with you in bed, or you're sitting on his lap, this dude will not pass up a chance to cuddle.

Jehan: Aww, the innocence of the friends. Jehan would definitely like to cuddle with you, it makes him feel happy. If he's having a bad day sometimes all he needs is to be held! He'd rest his head on your chest and listen to your heartbeat while feeling protected in your arms. He would definitely be a little spoon. Sometimes, if he's feeling insecure or even a little jealous, he'll hold you as close and as tight as he can without hurting you, just to reassure himself.

Grantaire: Grantaire probably wouldn't be too big on cuddling until he's drunk. So, really, he'd always be latched onto you in some way or another. This man is like a fucking koala sometimes. He'll just latch onto your waist and any chance of getting any time alone or going out is gone, you aren't getting out of this anytime soon.

Joly: Hypochondriac that he is, Joly can be just a little iffy about cuddling. He always has to triple check that your hands are washed and your clean, just in case. It can get pretty damn annoying, but it's totally worth it in the end! This man knows how to cuddle.

Marius: Oh, good lord. As precious as he is, once the cuddling starts, it never stops when it comes to Mr. Pontmercy over here. This guy is obsessed with cuddling, and if you don't have anywhere to be, great! You're booked for the day. But if you do... God forbid Marius doesn't. If he could choose one thing to do for the rest of eternity to survive, he'd cuddle you. It's sweet, really, but it can get so frustrating when you're trying to do anything.

Éponine: Éponine is a pretty clingy partner, which is really cute! But, unlike some people (Cough Marius cough), she knows when to stop. That's not to say that she doesn't usually feel a little touch starved. No, she loves cuddling you and she doesn't care what anyone thinks. She's more often than not the little spoon, she likes knowing that someone is there to protect her like she does everyone else. She really just likes hugging you close, though. You could be sleeping and your arms are going to be wrapped around each other, keeping each other safe and warm.

Feuilly: Feuilly's a busy guy. He works and works constantly to support you. When he gets home, he's likely to be a little stressed. Thankfully, as soon as it's time for bed and he gets to hold you in his arms, everything that once was bothering him seems like nothing more than a forgotten memory.

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