If You Followed Them

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A/N: Again, another really fucking angsty chapter that you should not read if death triggers you. Be safe, you perfect fucking idiots. <3

Enjolras: He told you not to follow. You promised him that you wouldn't. But, had you really meant it? No. You were Y/N Alexandria Lauren Atlanta de La Fayette, the granddaughter of a revolutionary and named after his best friends. You weren't going to sit at home and do nothing. You went into your husband's closet and put on the first clothes you grabbed, leaving a note for your grandfather and grabbing the gun you kept around, just in case. Enjolras was livid that you followed him, he didn't want you to get hurt. But you assured him that you would stick by his side and you ended up being executed by the guards by his side. Let's just say that those guards really regretted killing you once they found out who your grandfather was.

Combeferre: He really thought that he could keep you away. He really did. He tried and he thought he succeeded. His relief was short-lived when he saw you alongside your two sisters, dressed as a man. Did you really think you would fool him? Right before he could reach you to tell you to go home, you jumped in front of your brother right before he was shot, causing him, Gavroche, Azelma, and Éponine to scream out your name in terror. He held you in his arms and your siblings held your hands and stroked your hair until your final breath. It wasn't long before they all joined you, too.

Courfeyrac: You felt guilty. You had promised your husband and your brother that you would stay at home. You had promised them. But you were going insane not knowing if they were alive or not. So, without thinking of the consequences, you put on your brother's clothes and snuck out. You were shot before you could reach them. You didn't know until it was too late that the two had survived in the end and were heading to greet you at home. They had not known until it was too late that you had been shot while going to check on them. They found your body a day after they returned to an empty house and looked at their deceased friends. They were heartbroken.

Jehan: If only you had known. You had dressed up as a man to help your cousin and husband, all without knowing that you were pregnant. You helped everyone as much as you could. You assisted Joly and Combeferre in dressing injuries, you played as an extra pair of eyes for Lesgles and Bahorel, but in doing this, you had failed to watch out for yourself. You and Jehan had been captured by the guard and taken hostage. Words could not express how upset he was when he realized that it was you who had been captured with him. Words could not express the pain he felt and the disappointment he had in himself that he was unable to protect you. You ended up being executed together, hand-in-hand. Enjolras joined you not long after, and if you thought that an hour lecture from him in the Musain was bad, imagine one that went on for three days straight in the afterlife.

Marius: You didn't tell Cosette or Valjean where you were going. Why would you? Papa would only try to stop you and Cosette would tell him. You couldn't just stay put knowing that your love was out there. You were getting antsy and just about to sneak out when there was a knock at the door. You got there before anyone else and answered it. It was a young boy, no older than Cosette, fiddling with a letter in his hands. A letter from the barricade, he would inform you, but something about his voice seemed... off. This couldn't have been a boy. There was only one girl you knew that could have found you without an address. She seemed shocked that you knew it was her, she seemed even more shocked that you asked her to lead you to the barricade. She gazed upon you with something new in her expression-- respect. She did as you requested, taking you to your love. Marius ended up with a bullet in his leg, you ended up with a cut on your arm, and Éponine ended up with a stab wound, but you were all alive. Let's also just mention that Valjean was not impressed when you got home.

Éponine: She was a fool if she thought that you were going to let her go alone. Did she really expect you to stand by like a pretty little princess? No way! You followed her, despite her protests when you joined her at the barricade. You weren't letting her do this without you. She ended up taking a bullet for Marius and you ended up taking a bullet for Feuilly, but of course, the idiots had to go and get themselves shot after you were dead, anyway. Neither of you let Feuilly forget about it when he joined you, and years later, when Marius joined you, none of you let him live it down, either.

Feuilly: He tried to keep you away, he did everything he could. But you were more stubborn than your brother and apparently listening was not apart of your skills. You went to the barricade, not even bothering to change out of your skirt, and snatched a gun from him. Later, as the rain fell, you tried to help Gavroche collect gunpowder from the dead soldiers' guns. You were killed after taking a bullet for Gavroche. Feuilly joined you soon after, and later, so did Grantaire.

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