Your Kids

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Enjolras: You had one boy who you named Gilbert after your grandfather.

Combeferre: You had one boy and one girl. You named your son Pierrè and your daughter Azelma.

Courfeyrac: You ended up having a lot of kids for reasons that should be obvious, seeing as this is Courfeyrac. You had eight. Three girls and five boys. Your girls were named Marie, Lydiè, and Iris. Your boys were named Marius, Jean, Roch, Michel, and Auguste.

Jehan: You were blessed with three kids. Two boys and one girl. Your sons' names were Sebastién and Patrick and your daughter's name was Irène.

Grantaire: You had two little boys, Rémy and Jonathan.

Joly: You had one little girl, Yvonne.

Marius: You had two daughters, Euphrasie after your sister and Jeanne after your father.

Éponine: You couldn't have kids for obvious reasons, though you did end up adopting a little girl whose name was Alicia.

Feuilly: You had three sons and a daughter. Richard, Roméo, Antoine, and Nicola.

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