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Enjolras: Passionate and fiery and long. He usually takes you by surprise with this, slamming his lips against your's when you least expect it, trapping one of your lips in between both of his.

Combeferre: Short and chaste. He kisses you quite frequently throughout the day, making it short and sweet. Sometimes, though, he won't mind kissing you for just a little longer.

Courfeyrac: Courfeyrac is a pro at kissing. It's something he prides himself on. With the center of the amis, kisses can vary. If you're in public or he's in a rush, it's usually quick and sweet. Sometimes, if you're in public and he wants to show off (or he's jealous), he'll kiss you with a passion that rivals Enjolras' speeches. When you're home alone, however, there are countless ways he kisses you, the only evidence that's ever left is the suspicious bruises on your neck...

Jehan: Jehan's kisses are innocent and loving and sweet. He treats you as if you're one of his house plants-- like he's afraid to hurt you. When he kisses you there's no one else in existence, just you two. He's unbelievably gentle when he kisses, hugs, and holds you, giving you nothing but love and asking for nothing in return.

Grantaire: Grantaire kisses you more in private than anywhere else. It's not that he minds people seeing you two kiss-- he makes it a point that you're his. He just finds that being lovey-dovey in public makes him feel vulnerable. He prefers kissing you when you're alone. Usually, they're sweet and passionate.

Joly: It takes Joly a while to kiss you. He always has to make sure you're not sick if he's going to. When he does, though, it's long and firm and full of love.

Marius: Marius gets flustered super easily-- it's a known fact about this dork. When he kisses you, it's usually a gentle peck on the lips or sweet and chaste.

Éponine: Éponine isn't as big on kissing as some of the others on this list, but it doesn't mean she doesn't love kissing you! It's usually a quick peck, but when she really wants to, it's firm and smooth.

Feuilly: Feuilly, as continuously mentioned, is such a busy guy! Bless his soul. There are two things that always calm him down without a doubt. Hugging/cuddling you and kissing you. Just long, loving, gentle, kisses.

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