Going Public

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Enjolras: You had less of a problem with going public than Enjolras. You didn't really see much of a big deal as far as your life would continue, but you also knew that Enjolras' friends acted like children when it came to their friends' love lives. Eventually, when they had caught you two holding hands, you both had to come clean. You pretended to be nonchalant about it, shrugging and saying that it wasn't a big deal. It took a while. but eventually, the marble statue courting a woman became old news amongst the friends.

Combeferre: The only person Combeferre worried about telling was your brother, Gavroche. While the young street urchin was much younger than him, he was also incredibly protective of his siblings. Eventually, Éponine had to stand by when Combeferre told him, just in case. Combeferre swore that he had never felt so scared of a child's glare. Thankfully, Gavroche came around, with a constant reminder to Combeferre that he knew how to use a gun and was good at hiding.

Courfeyrac: You and Courfeyrac always knew that the day would come that you would have to tell Marius. That day didn't happen for years until he had to ask Marius a very important question. But that, my friend, is for a later chapter. 😉 😏

Jehan: He told Éponine before anyone else, telling her to plan his funeral. He knew that the longer he was with you, the worse his situation would be when it came time to tell Enjolras. So, after three months or so of seeing each other, you both came to the mutual agreement that it was time to tell Apollo. Your relationship had had enough time to become serious enough for you both to be sure that it wouldn't be ending anytime soon. So, one day after a meeting, you both pulled Enjolras aside to tell him. He was angry at first, not wanting you to get hurt, before coming to the realization that this was Jean Prouvaire, the purest person on the planet. He accepted it after a few minutes of intensive staring, finding that he'd rather it be him than Grantaire.

Grantaire: He told his friends pretty much as soon as he asked you out, mentioning just as casually as he had asked you out that he had a date with the owner's daughter. No one cared that much, they had expected it to happen sooner or later. Everyone congratulated him and Enjolras told him that he hoped you would knock some sense into him and not take more away.

Joly: Joly didn't take much time to tell his friends. After all, he had told them about his attraction to you before. They all praised him for his courage and asked to meet her (to Enjolras' protests against bringing a woman to their meetings. No one paid any attention to him).

Marius: All Marius ever did was talk about his love for you. Everything he said had to do with you. It got to the point where everyone threatened to throw something at him. (For Enjolras, it was a knife, Combeferre's weapon of choice was a heavy textbook, Courfeyrac's was Gavroche, Bahorel had threatened to use his fists).

Éponine: Éponine was incredibly passive aggressive about it. When she decided to tell her friends, she had a string of threats ready. You two could never truly go public about it, anyway. She had already told her siblings. Azelma was initially weird about it, but ultimately supported the girl who always stood by her side. Gavroche didn't care, romance was never something that he had bothered with. Jehan was supportive to no end, assuring her that she was in love and that was all that mattered. Marius was shocked but eventually came around the idea. All of les amis reacted differently at first but eventually stood by their friend, even if it took a little extra convincing (i.e. Enjolras).

Feuilly: He didn't really see the importance of spouting to his friends that he was in a relationship. It actually wasn't until Courfeyrac wanted to set him up on a date that he told them about you. Everyone was either shocked or offended that he didn't tell them sooner. Enjolras was relieved that he didn't let it get in the way or distract everyone by telling them. Everyone was happy for the guy, he worked so hard and deserved someone like you. Grantaire also ended up getting caught in the middle since he already knew and didn't tell anyone.

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