How They Ask You Out

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Enjolras: Enjolras, defiant as he is, refused to ask you out or speak to anyone about his feelings until Courfeyrac set you both up to go to the opera. You weren't very pleased and neither was he (or so he kept telling himself). You eventually both came to a compromise and found each other less insufferable. He ended up having to push aside his pride and asked to meet you again, to which you half-heartedly agreed to.

Combeferre: Combeferre was fucking nervous when he asked you out. He didn't exactly have much experience with girls and this wasn't nearly as easy as Pontmercy, Prouvaire, and Courfeyrac made it out to be. He ended up buying you flowers and asking if you'd like to go to dinner. You were surprised that he even gave you a second thought, let alone asked you on a date. You agreed, nonetheless.

Courfeyrac: Yeah, so, small problem... Courfeyrac had to find a way to court you without your brother finding out. He didn't think that Marius would be extremely enthusiastic with him dating his sister. He ended up asking you in secret, which ended up being a lot harder for him than he thought it would be. You giddily accepted.

Jehan: If Marius is a small problem, then Jehan has a big problem trying to get around Enjolras. The guy seemed to know everything. It's safe to say that our favorite poet was essentially risking his life. He eventually snuck a poem in your book, asking you out through an abstract story of flowers. You had excitedly accepted. Even if you didn't feel anything towards Jehan (which you did), it was hard for even the toughest man to deny him anything.

Grantaire: This guy was so nonchalant about it. It was like he had never denied his feelings in the first place. He strutted over to you during your break, allowed you a sip of his wine, and asked the damn question. You agreed, you found yourself looking forward to the drunkard's presence every morning, anyway.

Joly: Joly had turned down every suggestion given to him. When Jehan had suggested he buy you flowers, he was quick to mention that the pollen gave people allergies. When Jehan told him to write a poem, he reminded him that you couldn't read. When Courfeyrac proposed he ask you straight up, he didn't hesitate in saying that you were too special for something so plain. When Marius recommended doing a grand romantic gesture, everyone told him to shut up. In the end, he bought you a cake and asked you to join him for dinner. You were happy that he asked, it meant that you and Lesgles' terrible plan to ask him didn't have to go through.

Marius: Marius never really asked you out. He just constantly snuck into your garden in the middle of the night on dates that you would set up through the letters you sent back and forth. You had more fun walking through your garden than at a restaurant, anyways.

Éponine: This seemed like it would be the most difficult thing in the world to Éponine. After all, it was 1832, and same-sex relationships weren't exactly socially acceptable. When she heard that there would be a small play going on with free access, she saw her chance. She would ask you to go and if you didn't like her like that or any homosexuality in general, she would play it off as just asking to go as friends. She'd rather have you as a friend than not at all. When she asked, you didn't know what she meant. When you asked if she meant as a date, she looked a bit panicked and you agreed before she could say anything. Éponine had never felt more relieved in her life.

Feuilly: You asked him. He was always so exhausted and you felt that he could use a break. You asked him to go to dinner with you and he looked more surprised than he had when he found out that Lesgles had managed to find a four leaf clover. He agreed, stuttering over his words as he attempted to give his affirmative answer.

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