Chapter 2

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You spent all night writing that letter to the high school in Korea, you made sure it was perfect and you added some questions concerning the school itself. After a final check you seal it in an envelope and go outside to put it in the mailbox.

When you walk outside you realize how dark it is and you get chills, so you quickly run to your mailbox. Once the letter is in and the flag is up, you run like your life depends on it and get inside. You sigh with relief once you lock the door. 

"I can finally sleep..." You say and go to your room to sleep.


It's been a couple of weeks, now it's July 6th, you've been studying and practicing your violin a lot more in hopes of being a good student at your new school as well.

In the morning you check the mailbox and take out the mail, while walking to your door and sorting the mail, you trip. All the letter go flying across the walkway, and that's when you see it.

The acceptance letter.

Quickly you get up and gather the mail, making sure to put your letter at the bottom. Once you get inside you throw all the mail except for your letter on the counter and run upstairs to your room.

You stare at the letter on your desk in anticipation, what if they suddenly decided that you weren't good enough? What if they got something mixed up and you're not actually wanted? So, is it an apology letter them?

Thoughts ran through your head and it got to the point where you just decided to leave the letter alone until later. To get your mind of the letter, you went downstairs to watch TV.


It got dark soon, so you made bagel bites and poured yourself a cup of soda, with ice to spoil yourself. While eating dinner on the counter you contemplate and daydream about your new school.

Before you knew it the letter came to mind, so you washed your dishes and went upstairs.

Looking at the letter again, the same thoughts hit you hard. This time however, you sighed and ripped open the letter.

(Y/N) (L/N),

We're elated to see that you're interested in coming to our school! Your flight will be on July 10 at 2:30 PM in your time zone, the ticket to get there is included with this letter. There will be a school board member at the airport you will be arriving at in Korea, they will have a sign with your name on it. Your questions concerning the school will be answered when you get the tour. Have a safe trip and we  can't wait to see you!

Thank you,

Universe High School Board

"Oh my god..." You watch as tears fall onto your desk and you drop the letter. Shakily, you take out the plane ticket to Korea, a smile forms on your face.

"I did it..."

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