Chapter 27

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The sun peaks in through gaps in your curtains and you stir awake, staring at your ceiling to mentally prepare yourself for the day. You grab your phone from the bedside table and check the notifications. Clicking on one that informed you that someone commented on your picture directed you to the post.

dr.pepper_.queen: I'm so proud of you!

lauren_bear.xx: They look like great guys, good choice!

dhs_tom: I bet you've already fucked all of them lol

The last comment catches you off guard. It's some guy you had flirted with, but ended up rejecting in the end after realizing that he's one of those "nice guys". You find it odd that he's insulting you now, and it hurts you deep inside that he thinks of you that way even though you should have expected that from him. 

With a bothered sigh, you just push it to the back of your mind and get out of bed. Pulling your hair up messily, you walk out of your room and see Hongseok stretching on the couch.

"Good morning," You greet before filling up two glasses with water and setting them on your small kitchen island. It only takes a few seconds for the boy on the couch to join you. Both of you quietly sip on your water and try to wake up some. The birds chirping outside are welcoming for once, it ties together the moment and keeps it down to Earth. 

When you finish, you take your glass and wash it. "I'll be in the bathroom, feel free to change in my room," You inform as you make your way to the small, bright room. He hums in response, probably still a little drowsy from just waking up.

It doesn't take long for both of you to get ready for the day and you sigh as you lock your door. 

"Anything bothering you? Like a bad dream or something?" He asks, wanting to know you're alright.

"I'm fine, do you know if Shinwon got back alright?" You ask, peaking over at his door while you attempt to jiggle your key out of the lock. 

Hongseok helps you out, the key finally coming loose from the grips of the demon lock, "He probably stayed at Wooseok's house since it's closer to where they were, we'll see him when we get to school,"

You hum and pocket the keys before heading to the school with Hongseok at your side. 

"Did you sleep well? I can't say my small couch is a very comfortable place to get some rest,"

"I slept fine. It's a lot comfier than I expected, although I did have to curl to fit," He laughs and you join, the noise ending naturally. 

The school comes into view and you both walk in, positive vibes obvious. As always, the rest of the group stands in the middle of the grounds and is laughing at something. With a huge smile on your face and the best Korean you can manage, you say, "Hello everyone!"

They all look at you and smile widely, returning your greeting. Hongseok gives you a thumbs up of approval when you look at him to confirm you said it right.

The boys go back to their conversation and you're stuck with your thoughts. Your mind isn't very kind to you and decides to dig up the comment from this morning. It's just one comment, the rest were all supportive and positive. No matter what you try to do to counter it, the words still hurt. Without realizing it, your face slowly starts to fall into a frown. Your doubts and insecurities start to come out and harass you like a ruthless group of bullies. 

You shake your head and look up to see the tall boy from yesterday staring at you with disapproving eyes. A quiet scoff exits your lips and you excuse yourself, walking towards him with an attitude. He seems to not be phased by your faux confidence, almost like he can see right through it.

"You can't decide who I hang out with," You say in a quiet but threatening tone.

"Then stop hanging out with bad guys," He nonchalantly deflects.

"Get some friends and then come talk to me, maybe you'll be creditable enough to listen to," The words you spat came out harsher than you intended, but why should you be nice to a guy trying to control you? His face turns sour quickly, the words must have hit a nerve in him somewhere, and oddly enough it gave you an ego boost.

"You don't even have the first idea of how hard it is to be in my position, so don't go assuming I ask to have no friends," The boy growls before stalking off, his aura clearing the path for him. 

Now everyone was staring at you. A mix of emotions swirl inside of you. Fear, pride, guilt, embarrassment, and anxiety. With every bit of self-respect you have left, you keep your chin up and walk back to your group. They seem to have watched the situation unfold just like everyone else and it makes you shrink a little.

"Is he giving you problems?"

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