Chapter 29

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Changgu: Hello

You take a deep breath and look at your notes left out from the session earlier. Using your notes doesn't mean you can't do it, you remind yourself.

(Y/N): Hello!

Changgu: Can we hang out tomorrow?

(Y/N); Yes, we can talk in my apartment

You sigh, the sentence sounds a little stiff, but what can you do when you're not fluent.

Changgu: Thank you, see you tomorrow!

(Y/N): Goodnight!

With a smile, you send a quick text to Hongseok saying that you had a text conversation in Korean. He replies back speedily telling you he's proud of you. Excitedly, you do a little dance and giggle.


It's early in the morning and you just woke up. Every attempt to fall back asleep is futile so you irritatedly start to get ready for the school day. Thankfully it's Friday and the only thing you have planned after school is a lesson with Hongseok and hanging out with Changgu. Those two are pretty chill so you don't have to use much energy when you're with them.

The walk to school is quiet and you're in shock when you get there.

There's only a handful of people waiting for school to start, you look at your phone to realize you're a lot earlier than usual. Not knowing anyone, you just walk in and find your first class.

The room, and school altogether, are awkwardly silent. You shift uncomfortably in your seat and scroll through Instagram to pass the time. Only a text from Shinwon interrupts your silence.

Shinwon: Where are you?

(Y/N): Class

He doesn't respond, which both concerns and irritates you, but then you realize there probably isn't any way to respond. Continuing your scrolling, you find even more pictures of all your friends from back home. The same dull pain from the other day strikes you again, it brings tears to your eyes. It would be about five in the afternoon there and your friends were probably hanging out, getting excited about homecoming, or picking outfits for spirit week. That has to be one thing you're definitely sad about missing out on, all those movies of an all-American high school experience were so exciting and full of lots of new opportunities.

"(Y/N)," A deep voice startles you, making you jump. You turn around to see a tired and breathless Shinwon. His hair was messy and his cheeks were slightly flushed, it was quite a sight. Quickly, you wipe your eyes, pretending that you're just being overdramatic about the whole situation. The tall boy sits next to you and pats your head to comfort you. He takes a deep breath trying to regain his composure and regular breathing pattern.

You just stare at him with a little smile, it's hard to look away when he effortlessly looks so handsome. When he glances at you questioningly you giggle a little which pulls his lips into his signature smile. Your heart flutters and you feel your face begin to get warm.

"Shinwon what's-" Hongseok's concerned face peeks into the room, his words halting at the sight of you two. It was obvious on his face that he was piecing something together in his mind. "You ran here to see her?" The slightly shorter boy asks and Shinwon gives a curt nod in response, his smile dropping. Hongseok sits on the other side of you and gives you a look of curiosity. Knowing you have to explain, you do.

"I woke up really early so I came early. I couldn't go back to sleep,"

"Is there anything that's bothering you? I heard somewhere that stress messes with sleeping patterns,"

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