Chapter 28

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"Is he giving you problems?"

The words roll off Hongseok's tongue like a velvety poison. His usual polite tone now gone, his familiar kind face now intimidating. 

"No, he's just annoying sometimes, it's fine," You reassure, hoping they take it and don't do anything about the tall guy. Fortunately, the boys accept the answer albeit hesitantly. The boys were back to their now intense conversation so you just watched them. 

In the midst of your boredom, a small hand grabs yours and pulls you away quietly.

"Oh hey Hyuna, what's up?" You greet with a smile which she excitedly returns.

"I just woke up in a good mood because my favorite exchange student wanted to hang out with me today!" She does a little happy bounce and hugs you.

"Aww, you're so sweet!" 

"We're going to do so much this afternoon! I have a lot planned!" 

"I can't wait!"

"Me neither! You can tell me all about that other cute exchange student you were talking to earlier," Your friend teases and gives you a knowing look.

With a laugh you respond a little loudly, "And do I have things to say about him,"

You feel a pair of eyes look over at you which you ignore and giggle with Hyuna. The bell rings and Hyuna escorts you to your first class before waving goodbye. Happily, you take your seat and wait for Shinwon and Hongseok to join you. It's not long before both boys sit down on either side of you like bodyguards. 

Hongseok helps you out through the day, but you're doing a lot better than you expected. You even manage to have a short conversation with the guys at lunch.

You walk to the front gate with a hop in your step, even more excited to hang out with Hyuna. As soon as you think about what you might do, she comes running to you as if you accidentally summoned her. 

"I was just thinking about you," You admit, giggling and poking her cheek lightly.

"You're such a romantic, cut it out before I fall for you!" She whines, a playful pout on her face.

With a laugh you feel her grab your hand and take off somewhere, dragging you along. Before you get too far away, a voice calls, "(Y/N)!" It's already too late though as you've been taken.

Hyuna slows down but continues walking with a huge smile.

"What's first on our to-do list?" You ask.

"Coffee, obviously. We need more energy after our tiring day at school,"

"I think you already have enough energy," 

"It's just excitement, I'm actually drained,"

You both laugh as you reach a quaint cafe and enter. It's fairly empty and an upbeat song plays quietly in the background. Your friend pulls you to a seat and gives a short "I'll be back" before practically sprinting to the counter. Her smooth voice can be heard giving an order and saying a thank you. 

Hyuna skips back over to you and sits down, "It will be done in a few minutes, I got us a small snack too!"

"Thank you!" You listen to her talk about miscellaneous subjects before the barista says her name and she shoots up to grab the order. 

A chocolate croissant and an iced mocha are set in front of you. Your face must've lit up because Hyuna giggles while taking a sip of her drink.

"How'd you know I'd like this?" 

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