Chapter 25

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"Okay, I will be over in a few minutes,"

You hang up and scroll through Instagram. Everyone seems almost happier now that you're gone, all your friends are posting pictures together of them having fun. For a moment, jealousy and hurt rip through your heart, but then you hear the door open. 

Hongseok steps through with a contagious smile. All the negative emotions went away and a wave of energy makes you jolt up from your position on the couch. 

"Hey," You greet, stretching out the "y" at the end. 

"Hey," He says, doing the same as both of you guys start laughing.

"Well, let's get started!" Your words prompt him to get comfy. 


After about a half an hour of practicing and taking notes, you both decide that was it for tonight. You turn to him on the couch and remember your curiosity from earlier.

"Hongseok, what is Changgu's past?" He seems surprised at the question and it takes him a while to find a response.

"Why are you curious about his past?" Is he trying to hide something?

"He seemed a little hostile to the waiter when we ate earlier, almost like they had a bad history with each other. I can't communicate with him that easily, so I decided to ask you," The truth didn't seem bad enough to lie about it, so you decide that it's worth being truthful.

"He's really smart if you don't know already, but it was used against him a lot when he was younger. Most of the kids would bully him into giving them answers and doing their homework. It seems cliche, but that's truthfully what happened. We've tried to tell him that he doesn't have to worry about it anymore since he's with us now, but he still wants to get his revenge," Hongseok explains the situation, seemingly regretting putting his friend's personal information out there.

"Why didn't he ever tell anyone or give them wrong answers?" You ask innocently, getting a little heated just listening to what he had to go through.

"It wasn't that easy, they would hurt him whenever he tried to do something like that,"

"He never stood up for himself?" Your voice raises a little, anger seizing your mind. Hongseok sighs before continuing, "He tried, he really did, but it only resulted in him getting framed and beat up more,"

Tears welled up in your eyes, your brows knitting together in frustration. 

"We don't like to resort to violence often," He cuts himself off in a panic, but you don't take in what he says since you're so caught up in something that wasn't even your business. 

"So that waiter from earlier was one of the people who hurt him?" Your voice cracked and your heart hurt. The small bond you had with Changgu was small, but it meant a lot to you. He's your friend now, and friends don't like seeing each other hurt.

Hongseok panics, even more, realizing you're about to cry, and struggles to find something to do.

"Uh, yeah, he must've been, but don't worry! He's really good at handling situations!" He says, trying to reassure you. From what he knows, all he's saying is the truth, Changgu is always the one who helps his friends make smart decisions.

You, however, doubt that statement, remembering how he handled the situation at the diner. As much as you thought it was false, you still calm down, realizing that Hongseok was likely panicking. 

With a heavy sigh, you hug the boy in front of you hoping to find more comfort. It takes him a second to hug you back as the gesture shocks him a bit. Without realizing it, tears start to stream down your face, the stress from everything finally getting to you.

"Today wasn't as good as I thought it was going through be I guess," You laugh weakly then continue, "A lot has happened since I came here, and before you arrived tonight, I was starting to think everyone I used to know is better off without me," It felt great to say some of what's been on your mind, and to someone you know cares too.

Hongseok gingerly rubs your back, "I'm always here for you to talk to, all of us are. Anytime, even super late at night, you can call any one of us and we'll come over to help you. We're your friends," He softly says, his words danced in your mind and straight to your heart. "And if your friends are happy that you're gone, then they're not your real friends. They don't deserve someone as great as you, you're strong and brave. Don't forget that," His words give you strength that you didn't know you could have, they give you hope. 

"Thank you so much Hongseok, you and the rest of the guys are pretty much all I have right now, but I couldn't ask for anything better," You both laugh and stay in that position for a while.

Hongseok pulls away from you a little and lifts your chin. He smiles gently at you and wipes away your tears with his thumb. You smile back and sniffle a little. 

It's not often you become vulnerable in front of people due to being raised by your dad. He never really responded well to you crying or spilling your heart out to him. It wasn't bad that you did, he just never knew how to respond or help, so he became frustrated. Knowing that he didn't take it well, you always made a point not to be vulnerable in front of him or most others.

It was different with Hongseok though, it was different with all of the guys. They truly made you feel safe and understood. 

"Do you want water? You must feel a little dehydrated from crying so much," Hongseok asks, making sure that you're being taken care of and staying healthy.

"Yeah, I could go for a glass of water," You say, smiling widely at the kind boy.

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