Chapter 11

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Anxiety fills your stomach again and you forget what you're supposed to do in that moment.

As you're in the middle of panicking, a pair of hands gently grab your shoulders making you jump. You turn to see Shinwon and Hui laughing, Shinwon removes his hands from your shoulders and walks off after saying something to Hui. The boy smiles at you and gestures for you to follow him, looking at the copy of your schedule he was given and starting to walk to your next class. You get up and follow him, everyone looking at the two of you as you walk with him. Due to the amount of stares, you get uncomfortable and walk closer to Hui for some type of comfort.

Thankfully, you and Hui get to your next class quickly and like the last time, he waves and leaves you. The rest of the day until lunch is like that, Hui escorting you to the few classes you have and not understanding anything the teacher is saying while everyone stares at you. Contrary to what Mr. Park said, you have no morning classes with anyone you know other than your first class with Shinwon, which he doesn't know you're acquainted with.

You wait at the entrance of your last class before lunch for Hui, but he's not there. That's when you see him talking to a group of guys. Taking a deep breath, you start walking towards them, but end up bumping into a giant. The guy you ran into doesn't even move when you run into him, he just looks down and glares at you with his sharp brown eyes.

"S-sorry," You stutter, intimidated by his gaze.

"Then get away from me," That's when you realize it's the jerk from this morning, so you decide to get some guts and glare right back at him.

"You can get away from me if I bother you that much,"

"Childish," He scoffs before walking away, you bite your tongue to prevent yourself from saying anything back. Semi-irritated, you walk over to Hui and just wait for him to finish talking. You were too caught up in your anger that you didn't realize that all the guys were staring at you silently until someone nudges you lightly, you look up and see Shinwon trying not to smile.

Now realizing that they are all looking at you, you blush in embarrassment and look at all of them. Most of them are really tall except for Hui and two other boys, but all of the boys are stupidly good looking for sure. Are you really stuck with this group of guys for the rest of your high school days? You look down, trying to ignore their looks and hide your deepening blush.

Hui throws an arm around your shoulders and smiles down at you. "Let's go," With that everyone starts walking towards the cafeteria, Hui removes his arm and walks with them while you trail behind awkwardly.

As you walk through the halls, other kids, even upperclassmen, clear the way for the group of guys and give scared and cautious looks. Seeming to try and reassure you, the boy with big nostrils looks back at you and smiles kindly.

It's almost too soon when your group reaches the huge cafeteria already filled with kids. However, at the center was an empty table, untouched with a purpose. In your mind, you think it's some real life cliche, but quickly disregard it because it just seems too unreasonable. Why would someone like you ever sit at a table with purpose anyways?

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