Chapter 10

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The boy turns to you and puts out his hand to shake, "Lee Hwi Taek, call me Hui." You shake his hand with your absurdly sweaty hand, "(L/N) (Y/N), call me (Y/N)." He smiles at you before pulling away his hand and gesturing you to follow him, which you do with slight hesitation.

Hui leads you through the school, showing you common areas and all of your classes then takes you back to the office. The giant and his female guide are there sitting awkwardly while listening to Mr. Park tell some irrelevant story he found funny. Soon, the older man noticed you and Hui and stood up, the other two followed his actions.

"Ms. (L/N), Mr. Chow, these two will also be your guides for today's school day which starts in ten minutes, so please have a nice day!" Mr. Park smiles and rushes all of you out of the office. Hui leads the rest of you to the front of the school where students were starting to notice your presence. Conversations stopped, now everyone was staring at the four of you and started to whisper. In the crowd you could see Hongseok's smiling face and him waving, so you wave back with an awkward smile.

No one dared to come up to you or the other three people around you, some people even seemed nervous while looking at Hui, perks of being good looking you guess. Your guides did their best to entertain you with small talk, but the anxiousness in your stomach prevented the ten minutes from being a short ten minutes.


Finally, the bell. All of the students began to walk to their respective classrooms, Hui gestured for you to follow him again, so you obeyed again and followed him. It's homeroom, so nobody is really doing anything productive, just talking while waiting for the teacher.

"I have to go now, sorry. I will be back after," Hui says slowly, seeming to struggle a bit with his sentence. You nod and take a seat near the back of the room to avoid gaining more attention drawn to yourself. It's a few minutes before you hear an older woman scolding a student you assume, but when you see who the student is, you try not to laugh.

A tired Shinwon enters the class, the teacher right by his side, still scolding him. With an expressionless face, he bows and says something before sitting next to you. He smiles lightly when the teacher isn't looking at him anymore, obviously trying not to laugh as well. You guess that he's a trouble student and it's not his first time getting in trouble like that.

The boy turns to you and waves, so you wave back and finally let out a small giggle. At least you have Shinwon in this class, it shouldn't be that bad now, even if you can't really talk to him, it's nice to have someone you know next to you.

As the teacher walks to the front of the classroom, students get settled in their seats and get quiet quickly. The teacher clears her throat and smiles before talking, which you don't understand any of, but try to pay attention to anyways, which is one hell of a task when nothing being said is processing in your mind.

Before the teacher can carry on any longer, the bell rings and everyone sighs in relief. Anxiety fills your stomach again and you forget what you're supposed to do in that moment.


Okay so, I'm updating this early because Tomorrow I'm going to the Pentagon concert in Chicago! I'm literally so hyped for it, but as my readers, you guys come first! I'm excited to tell you more about this Mr. Chow in later chapters, but no, it's not Yuto, sadly. Do not fear, for more characters will be introduced next chapter, also I don't want to bore you guys with details of the school day and more about (Y/N)'s language barrier. 

By the way, I hate doing author's notes in my books, I feel like they're disruptions from the story, so sorry when I do add them!

Have a nice day/evening! <3

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