Chapter 20

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All of you head over to Shinwon's apartment and get excited for the night. 

You and Hongseok sit on the couch while Shinwon grabs a few pillows and blankets. When he returns, you all make yourselves comfortable on the couch with you between the two boys. Shinwon puts on a movie that you've never heard of. It's pretty boring so you start to doze off even though you try your best not to.


Something lightly touching your nose wakes you up and you notice a familiar figure on the floor in front of you. Hongseok's mouth hangs open and his hair is all in his face. 

That's when you start to realize that there's someone next to you, cuddling you. If Hongseok is on the ground, then that means Shinwon is the one holding you. You look down to see his hand on top of yours that is grasping his white t-shirt. Your head is resting on his chest and you can hear the steady beating of his heart. His other arm is placed around your body, probably in an attempt to pull you closer to him. 

You smile gently at the thought of Shinwon pulling your sleeping body closer to him to cuddle. Wanting to savor this moment, you snuggle into him more, burying your head further into his chest. He doesn't hesitate to help you by pulling you closer as well. He's so warm and at this point, you don't think you ever want to move, so you begin to drift off again.


You stir awake again and feel the sensation of someone gingerly rubbing the back of your hand with their calloused thumb. It's calming and you appreciate the contact. Slowly, you move your head to look up and see a smiling Shinwon looking down at you, his grin grows wider as he takes in the fact that you're awake. His face is so close to yours, your noses are almost touching. You stare at the boy above you and take in his features, his tousled hair, the mole on his neck, his dark brown eyes, his thick eyebrows, the prominent hue of his lips. It all makes him unconventionally handsome, cute even.

Shinwon takes this time to admire your beauty, the way your eyes shine and how you have that forever focused look on your face. He knows there's a lot on your mind constantly just by looking at you and he wishes that for once you could relax, stop worrying, and laugh. It saddens him to see you stressing out over problems that aren't even yours, but at the same time, he finds it charming and kind.

"Good morning," His rough morning voice makes you giggle a little. 

"Good morning, Shinwon," You reply with a smile.

There's a moment of silence that you make the best of by scrunching up your nose playfully. He does it back causing both of you to laugh and enjoy the moment.

A sudden groan comes from the floor that you know all too well.

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