Chapter 26

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Hongseok gets up, walking over to your kitchen, and filling up two glasses with water. As he does that, a sudden reminder comes to mind.

You quickly take out your phone and the small slip of paper you were given earlier. A contact in your phone is now labeled as "Tall Guy" and you send the number a simple message. 

(Y/N): I'm home

It doesn't take long for a response to come through.

Tall Guy: Why are you home so late?

You decide explaining yourself to him isn't worth your time, so you leave him on read. Hongseok sits down again and hands you a glass of water. Both of you sit there in comfortable silence while sipping on water, the city's nightly sounds coming through the open window in your kitchen. 

"I've been avoiding using Korean to communicate with others, I know it sounds cowardly, but I don't want to look stupid," You admit, breaking the silence.

"It's okay to feel scared or uneasy, but it shouldn't stop you from getting better. The only way you will improve is by using it. I'm usually around to help you, so if you make a mistake, I will point it out and help you. All of us want to help you improve and feel comfortable, so don't be scared," Hongseok greatly reassures you and ruffles your hair a little.

"Thank you, I'll start using it more often from now on. After all, I have the best tutor an exchange student can have!" You exclaim, poking his cheek affectionately. 

"Don't flatter me, I just want to see you succeed," He chuckles and finishes his glass of water. "I should get going, it's pretty late and I don't want to be too tired tomorrow, someone has to scold the others for whatever stupid decisions they're probably making right now," 

"You can stay here for the night, I have a pair of clothes that might fit you so you can sleep comfortably,"

"I don't want you to feel uncomfortable,

"I won't, I'll actually feel safer knowing a strong guy is here to protect me!"

"I guess I'll take you up on that offer then," He laughs and takes the water glasses, "I'll wash these, you go grab those clothes,"

You nod and head off to your room. After about thirty seconds of searching, you find a pair of oversized basketball shorts and an x-large T-shirt with an anime on it that you got last year as a gift. With a small giggle, you grab an extra pillow and blanket before heading back out into the living room. 

Hongseok wipes his hands off on his pants to get rid of the excess water and walks over to you. With a smile of gratitude he takes the things you're lending him and waits for you to leave the room. You take note of that quickly and say a quick goodnight before you saunter over to your room, a smile gracing your features.

Quickly you change into some more comfortable clothes and fall into your plush bed. You pull out your phone and click on a certain contact.

(Y/N): Let's hang out after school tomorrow!

Hyuna: Sure! See you tomorrow!

Excitedly, you do a small dance and smile widely, it'll be your first time hanging out with an actual female since you moved. The boys are fun and all, especially Hongseok and Shinwon, but you miss having girl time. 

You walk into the living room to see Hongseok scrolling through social media while half cuddling your throw pillow that usually just sits on your couch. The light from his phone illuminates his handsome face in the dark room. With a small giggle, you sneak up behind the couch and poke his cheek. He nonchalantly turns his head to look at you, "What's up?" He asks calmly.

"You have a moment? I have a little on my mind and I'm not tired yet,"

"I can spare a few minutes, have a seat," The boy pats a spot on the couch next to his stomach where you can sit, so you comply.

"Well, I met this girl at the cafe you took me, she was super pretty and she speaks English," You start to gush as she's your only female friend in the whole country.

"Are you into girls?" Hongseok asks, a little surprised. A small wave of panic overcomes you as you try to find a way to explain.

"Uh, girls are pretty and some are really nice too, but I'm not looking to date a girl right now. It's not like I can be in a relationship with anyone here anyways, I'm leaving once I graduate," 

"Yeah. I actually forgot that you're here for a short time, it makes me sad,"

"Four years is a long time, don't worry. Anyways, this girl and I are hanging out tomorrow! It will be the first time in a while I'll be having girl time,"

"Did you have a lot of female friends in the states?"

"I had a few, I can't say I was popular or anything, but I had friends I could trust. I didn't have any guy friends after elementary school though. I did date this one guy last year, but it didn't last because obviously we were only in middle school," You ramble, the both of you enjoying the moment.

"Did you ever have girl time often?"

"Not really actually, after I turned eleven I didn't talk to my mom anymore and my sister turned sour. My friends were usually busy, so I spent a good amount of my time doing my own thing or hanging out with my dad. I cherish every joyful moment I have with a female though since I didn't get it often," 

Hongseok hums in understanding, not wanting to push the subject, "I hope you have a good time with her, I'm glad you have another friend besides us as we're not exactly a normal group of people,"

"You guys are weird, but that's one of the reasons I enjoy hanging out with you," The both of you laugh in agreement and stay in comfortable silence. A tired yawn escapes your mouth and Hongseok pats your back, "Go to bed, I'll see you in the morning,"

"Okay, goodnight Hongseok, just wake me up if you need anything," You get up and start towards your room.

"Of course, goodnight (Y/N)," He replies as you close the door to your room.

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