Chapter 4

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The plane ride to the next airport was pretty boring other than the view out of the window and the free drink. You love looking out of a plane, the pretty and subtle colors made your heart ache. The silence of the ride makes you extremely uneasy, all the people around you seem calm though. You start to feel a little sick due to the anxiety hitting you so hard.

Once you arrive at the next airport, you get really nervous. The staff do their best to make you feel comfortable, but nothing makes you more scared than big places with lots of people. Alone. It's loud because of all the chatter, the conversations seem to be in different and foreign languages. Everyone around makes you realize that the place was a lot more diverse, people of all races in one place, it gave you a sort of hopeful feeling. 

Confused, you check the boarding time for the hundredth time. So far, the plane hasn't arrived and it's been five minutes past the boarding time. You start to get really worried and sigh impatiently, so you go back to your research about Korea.

It's really another two hours until everyone starts boarding, they all seem unhappy and quite angry about the whole ordeal. You sit down in your seat and place your bag under the seat in front of you. With a small sigh, you look outside into the dark. The airport lights from the inside with all the lights on the airplanes make the dark just a little brighter.

After takeoff you look at the cities below where city lights and headlights in traffic create an unexpected but beautiful scene. You smile before dozing off.


A polite woman next to you wakes you up gently and in broken English, tells you that the plane will be landing soon. You smile and give her a soft nod of understanding. When the plane lands you get off and sigh realizing that everything was so foreign. The stewardess who is supposed to help you through the airport comes up next to you and pats you on the shoulder. Awkwardly, you explain to her that this is your last stop. She laughs lightly and says that she knows already. The two of you grab your luggage and head somewhere else, you couldn't really tell because the signs had a bunch of languages on them. You blush and she begins taking you to where a kind looking old man in a suit stands. Beside him is boy around your age, he smiles widely at you and waves.

You wave back timidly and smile a bit. The stewardess takes you towards them and exchanges some foreign words before turning towards you. 

"These two will be taking you from here on, the man's name is Park Yeong-Cheol, call him Mr. Park though. Take care, I hope you enjoy your time here!" She says kindly and smiles at you before walking off. With a deep breath you turn towards the two males and bow like how they said in your research.

"Hello! My name is (Y/N) (L/N) - Wait! You guys say last name first, sorry. (L/N) (Y/N) then," Your face turns a deep shade of red and they smile at you, obviously amused. 

"It's fine, Ms. (L/N), we should go now," Mr. Park says with a chuckle, he has a heavy accent. He starts walking, so you follow him. The boy walks next to you and smiles the whole time, but he never introduces himself. Mr. Park, the boy, and you exit the airport and outside. It looks like it's a little past noon, the sun was shining brightly onto you like a warm greeting. You sigh and follow the two into a simple black car, the radio played some unfamiliar but catchy song. The diver smiles at you and starts to drive as Mr. Park explains why the boy was with him.

"We as a school board thought that having a student you will be attending school with at the airport would make you feel more comfortable and so that when you start attending school, you'll have a familiar face with you," He explains and the boy turns to you, offering another smile. You smile back, a little more than last time. Mr. Park continues.

"We are driving you to your new home right now, it's a small apartment not far from the school. I believe that a few students also live in the apartment building too, so don't worry about being the only student there. Tomorrow I will come and give you more details, school starts in a month though, so don't feel rushed. I suggest maybe finding a job or taking some time to learn the city, it is really big. We usually use trains and buses to get around here, so it'd be a good idea to get used to them," He says and You can hardly take in all the information, so you just nod.

"From what I heard, you won't be the only foreign student, but the other two are from Japan. They're both super talented, like you," The man says trying to reassure you.

"Thank you, Mr. Park," You say softly, almost stuttering and within a few minutes you guys arrive at a huge apartment complex. Anxiety immediately fills your every cell and you feel your heart drop.


A longer chapter for you guys because I forgot to update yesterday, sorry my dudes. T^T

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