The Party

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She knew this was just another event she had to go to and pretend to be the perfect princess with her head held high.

She wore a dress most people couldn't afford and walked beside her father into the building, there were lots of people that her daddy knew and talked to while she just stood there waiting by his side to be introduced.

A lot of the time she would hear people telling her father how beautiful and well-mannered his child is, her father would just nod, sometimes even laugh and say "Yes I am so lucky"

After a few hours she was getting frustrated, she was hoping to see at least one other child here tonight and so far, she hadn't seen one. She doesn't go to school, so she never gets to interact with other kids, the only time she does is at her dancing lessons, with her one and only sort of friend Missandei.

She sighs heavily which her father hears and bends down putting his hand on her shoulder.

"Daenerys, I know you wanted to see some other kids tonight, so I invited some, follow me" he said standing back up and grabbing her hand, leading her up the stairs.

She started to get excited, she wasn't shy so she could easily talk to other kids and she wondered if they were her age.

Her father walked up to a man and touched his shoulder, the man spun around and once seeing who it was a smile appeared on his face.

"Aerys! Good to see you again" he said shaking his hand

"Yes, Ned it is good to see you too. I look forward to working closer with your company and you now that were partners" her father said with a genuine happy tone

'Partners? Father never has partners...that must mean his company is either really big are becoming really big really fast. I wonder where the kids father invited are'

"This is my daughter Daenerys, the one I told you about" he said gesturing towards her.

She smiled at Ned and he smiled back "Hello Mr. Stark, it's a pleasure to meet you"

"Nice to meet you too little princess" he said with a smile

She was used to being called little princess, the reason people called her that was mostly to impress her father, but this time she could tell that Ned actually meant it for her, so her smile brightened.

"Would you like to meet my children?" he said turning around and calling someone

"Yes please, I would love too" she replied with her innocent little voice that melted people's hearts

A women with dark red hair walked up and stood next to Ned along with some children.

"This is Catelyn, my wife" he said gesturing towards her, she smiled at her father then at her.

"These are my children, Robb" She said pointing to what looked like the oldest, he smiled at her and she smiled back "Sansa" she pointed at the tall red haired girl "Arya" the small brown haired girl "Bran" the smaller boy. She then smiled at her then at Robb who was distracted by his phone "Robb go make some friends"

Ned grabbed her wife's hand tightly, and whispered something in her ear, that's when she noticed him. Dark curly hair, even darker eyes, definitely around her age, a little taller but not Robbs height. He was cute.

The boy almost seemed like he was hiding, he was looking at the floor like he had done something wrong.

"This is my son Jon" he said pointing to the boy

Jon finally looked up, directly at her, they held eye contact for a few seconds, and she immediately knew she wanted to talk to this boy.

She smiled at him, and he gave her a little smile back. He then looked at Catelyn and walked away, she felt sad and wanted to follow him, so she grabbed her fathers' hand, making him look at her.

"Father I want to play with Jon! Can I? Can I?" she said putting on her pouting face.

He smiled "Of course, go!"

She smiled and walked at a fast pace to where Jon went, as she walked past the Starks, she noticed the scowl on Catelyn's face, but she didn't pay attention to it and kept walking.

She turned the corner and saw him sitting on a chair over a bench drinking some juice, her face lit up upon seeing him, she walked closer and jumped up onto the seat next to him, when he looked at her his eyes widened and he almost choked on his drink.

"Hi Jon"

Note: I am going to keep writing this story because I just really enjoy it lol. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it. Love Yall

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