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-(9 Years old)

-December 22nd  

-New York-

She was running up and down the house they had bought in New York. They had been staying there for two weeks now, Her father was deciding if it would be easier to live here or in Chicago. She knew which one she wanted, the one she saw Jon more.

Trying to find her hair clip she slipped and fell on to the couch, luckily.

"Daenerys calm down! We aren't leaving for 15 minutes! You've got time" he said helping her up

"Yes sorry father, I am just-"

"Excited? I know you are, don't worry you'll get to see him either way, with or without your hair clip."

She smiled "I know...but I want to look my best...for you father"

He chuckled "Oh for sure, its definitely because of me"

She blushed then walked speed walked past him "Daenerys don't run!"

As soon as she was around the corner, she sprinted down the hallway, she was seeing Jon tonight.


He was brushing his hair, changing it every time unable to decide which one looked better. His father walked in and grabbed his shoulder then smiled at him in the mirror.

"You look fine Jon, you have been in here for 20 minutes, that is unusual for you... Gee, I wonder what the reason is"

His cheeks heated up even after trying to stop it.

Ned grabbed his cologne and gave Jon a spay, he then grabbed the brush and fixed his hair, he then fixed the little suit he was in and smiled at him.

"They will be here in 20, you look good Jon, come help me with the table and turn on the Christmas lights as you go past please. And Walk Jon..."

Jon had been living his best life, for two months ago Ned kicked Catelyn out because he was sick of the way she treated him.

He smiled at his father, then sprinted out the bathroom to set the table, he was exploding with happiness, he hadn't seen her in five months, it had been too long. They had talked over the phone, after their parents had talked, they would ask to speak to each other using their phones.

He had basically told her everything about himself, now it was her time, she had promised him next time they spoke she would tell him about her life, about everything.

Then their fathers had said they were meeting in New York and his father invited them to dinner, obviously they would talk work and stuff, but he just wanted to spend time with the only girl he liked. The prettiest girl in the world, the only one who could make him truly smile. 

He had a surprise that he had spent a lot of time on he hoped she would like.

He sprinted around the table setting it, making sure everything was perfect, Ned was watching him from the Doorway.

"Wow you like-like her don't you?" he said with a teasing smile

He stopped in his tracks and remembered her face, her smile and that cute laugh he would do anything to hear.

"Yep." Is all he said

Ned laughed and Jon giggled, he gets to see Dany tonight.


She was sitting in the car tapping her foot furiously and biting her perfect just done nails.

Her father grabbed her thigh and she stopped "Calm. Down"

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