Follow Request

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I landed on the couch with a thud and groaned. The whole 'Captain America' punching bag incident had gone viral at school. Someone had fucking filmed me and posted it, it had been taken down but not before people had made copies, so I was even more popular at school then normal.


I walked into the school hallway and as I walked towards my locker, everyone I walked past froze and stared at me, then I a random guy came up to me and patted my back, Saying "Your awesome dude! How strong are you?" I immediately knew what was happening and literally turned around and left the school.


So, I was back home, at 9:30 from school. With nothing to do. I pulled out my phone and decided to see if I was in fact right.

Literally the first post. The video of me was side to side with the clip of Captain America, someone had taken the time to edit the two clips to make me and Cap punch the bag at the same time. I groaned and went into the comment section. They were worse.

: Holy shit! He goes to my school!

: How old is this Kid? 14! Holy Shit!

: What the fuck!? Awesome!

: Is that Jon Snow?!

: This kid is awesome.

I left the comment section with a heavy sigh, knowing this wasn't going to go away anytime soon. Before I could turn off my phone, I saw a little red dot appear under the heart of the notification center. Usually I would ignore it, but since I had nothing else to do...

I clicked on it and saw, Follow Requests: 28.

Oops. I had forgotten to check up on that. I press it and look at the profiles, I was picky with who I let follow me. I only had 15 posts, but I did post on my story a lot. I had 3000 followers for some reason, I knew half of them from school and my sports and the other...I just let follow me out of boredom.

I scrolled through the names some piquing my interest enough to check out their accounts, if I liked their account, I would let them follow me, If I loved their account, I would follow them back, If I didn't I would just decline.

I finally got to the last one and sipped my water, I then realised how thirsty I was and downed half the bottle. I looked at the account name and spat out my water.


Singer, Dancer, Princess.

I couldn't breathe, her profile picture was her on a stage in front of a microphone, I slowly clicked on it, and yeah I think my heart stopped beating.

It was fucking her. She was verified even. She had 2 million followers! What the shit!? Was this really my Dany? I pressed confirmed and followed her. I then shut off my phone and threw it to the other side of the couch and lay down holding my face in my hands.

I didn't know what to feel. I was terrified. I never wanted to look at my phone again. Was she still my Dany? Or had see changed? How did she find my account? Does that mean she cared?

What the fuck should I do?


His account was private, I could only see his bio, his number of posts, followers and how many people he followed.

I read his bio: Names Jon Snow, nickname Snowy, given by someone special. I love fencing, Basketball, playing my Harp, Sometimes singing and watching movies, also working out.

I felt a tear run down my cheek. Someone special. Was I really still special to him? Had we both really not forgotten about each other? I was worried because it sounded to good to be true, but nevertheless I pressed follow and it said Requested. I then turned off my phone and shut my eyes.

I surprisingly fell asleep pretty quickly after that, which in the morning was a shock to me. I had some...dreams...about him.

Jon, My shy BFF, Snowy. He remembered me. I was someone special in his eyes. I smiled and climbed out of bed humming to myself, I couldn't stop smiling if I tried. I just hoped Jon would accept the follow request and we could finally talk.

Holy fucking shit. We could talk. After five years we could talk!

I got to school still smiling and made it too my locker where Missy was standing waiting for me as she did most mornings.

"Hey Missy" I say before I start working at my lock, she looks up and studies me. I just smile at her and her eyes narrow.

"What? No good morning for me? No hello or Hi?" I ask then laugh. If possible, her eyes narrow even more.

"Are you possessed?" She asks

I laugh and undo my lock opening my locker and getting ready for my classes. "No Missy."

"So, you expect me to believe your laughing and smiling on your own?" She asks studying the smile on my face.

I laugh again and she looks so confused, this makes me laugh even more until she grabs my hand tight "Are you seriously ok Daenerys? You didn't take any drugs, did you?"

I burst out into a fit of giggles and Missy squeezes my hand tighter "You did, didn't you? I am taking you to the nurses office-"

"Missy! I didn't I am just... really happy." I say with a pure smile. Her eyes narrow again then suddenly widen.

"HOLY SHIT!" She exclaims really loudly, people in the hallway give her a quick glance then move on, I grab her hand "Missy!" I hiss

She smiles now "You found his account, didn't you?"

I feel my cheeks go red "um yeah."

Missy wraps her arms around me "Yes! I told you! I told you!"

I can't help but smile as she pulls away "Yeah, yeah you did."

Her smile grows "Look at you. You haven't even spoke yet- Wait, have you?" I shake my head and she smiles "You haven't even spoken yet and look at you, happier than I have seen you in...a very, very long time."

I smile and blush "Yeah he tends to do that to me." I say and immediately put my hand over my mouth, blushing even more, I am shocked I just said that. Even if it was true...

Missy laughs and the bell goes "I will not be able to concentrate in class at all." I say with a smile.

She smiles too "Then go home."

"Very funny. I can't miss any more school; I will get suspended."

She grabs my shoulder "Daenerys. There is no point you being here. I will come over later, ok?"

I think about it. I guess she's right. I know my father won't give a shit so why should I say no?

"Ok fine."

She kisses my cheek and hugs me tight then walks off "See ya later girl!"


I then lock my locker and just walk out of the school; I make it home by 9:45 and just stare at my phone while lying on my couch.

It suddenly lights up with a notification.

@Snowy_Ghost has accepted your friend request! See what they have been posting!

I unlock my phone slowly and open Instagram, I go to the notification center and press on his account, I quickly look through his posts and sigh in relief.

No girlfriend in sight. I hope.

I go to messages and look up his name, I click on it then my finger hovers over the video call button. I stay like this for some time, before I finally get some courage and press the button.

It rings and with every ring my heart skips a beat, I feel sick, the world is spinning way too fast.

Then the ringing stops and I put my phone to my ear, my hands shaking.


A/N: Cliff Hanger! I am not sorry!

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