New Album

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After that day Jon's life changed, everywhere he went, he went with a heavy heart, a heavy soul.

Something always held him down, he knew what that something was but he refused to talk about it.

He texted and called Dany, but she never responded, when he tried to use Instagram he discovered he had been hacked and had to disable his account. He didn't care about making another one seeing as Dany never used her account anymore. 

Time passed but Jon still carried his broken heart around like extra weight, he swore he would find her again, no matter how long it took because he wasn't really him, without her.

He gave up on school completely, his father instead starting to mentor him in the ways of owning a business, it took a few years but Jon was eventually ready to own the company when his father decided to give it to him.

On Jon's seventeenth birthday, he won the fencing championship for the state, in secret he still learnt the piano and the guitar, practiced his singing and he did it in memory of her and their times together.

There was often times her eyes would suddenly appear in his brain, he would hear her laughter in his ears, smell her scent in his nostrils, he would feel her skin against his, her hair spread over him...but it was never real.

It broke him in ways a person couldn't see, that day broke things in him that couldn't be fixed. And no matter how many times he told everyone he was fine, told everyone he had moved on, he never really did...

One night, he went to a party, the party was wild and Jon let himself get lost in it, they had people singing karaoke and break dancing. Jon was basically pushed up onto the stage to sing and when he went through the songs, his heart felt like it stopped when he saw it.

It was the exact one he and Dany had sung, he quickly swiped passed and picked a normal pop song.

Because he was filled with emotion, he sung like he was alone, not even realizing everyone had quieted down to listen to him, he sung his heart out and when he was finished the room exploded into cheers.

A video went viral of him singing and Jon reputation grew from just fencing state champion to the boy who can sing.

After that he had to admit, he gained a lot of attention and when someone came up to him, offering him some money to sing at their event, he gratefully accepted, not knowing that the decision would change his life for the better.

He quickly fell in love with his singing career and would admit privately he enjoyed it more then fencing. 

After a year of singing at events, he had put together an album of his own original songs, wanting to release it to the world. His growing fans urged him to release it, but he wanted to wait.

He kept his promise, he never forgot the girl the held his heart in her soft small hands and he wondered if he would ever get it back, wondered if she remembered him the way he did her.

He had to admit, there were a lot of girls, but none were like her.

One day, after he had finished a day at work with his father, he accidentally bumped into a girl, knocking her over, the cup of coffee she was holding spilling all over his chest.

The coffee felt like it was melting his skin, but instead of caring about himself, he focused on the girl he had knocked over.

She was just getting up, a stunned expression on her beautiful face.

Her red hair blew wild in the warm breeze, her eyes sucking Jon in as he stood trying to breathe through his chest being on fire.

"Are you alright?" he asks quickly.

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