See You Soon

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"Hello, Daenerys Targaryen here! Sorry, but I am not available at the moment, leave a message after the beep!" 'BEEP'

I pull the phone from my ear in frustration and end the call. Honestly hearing her voice made me me feel better and I was happy to have heard it, but I would rather it be her actual real time voice...

My stomach grumbled and I sighed, shoving my phone in my bag and slinging it over my shoulder, walking back to my lonely mansion...

I make my way inside to my room and put my bag down on my desk, I take my phone out and take off my shoes, I then change into some warm pants, and a different shirt. I then put my phone in my pocket.

I walk put of my room, through the dark hallways, that I know so well that I don't need to turn the lights on.

I make my way to the kitchen to make myself some dinner like I always do...only to walk in and find My dad sitting at the table...eating some pumpkin soup.

He smiles at me...I slightly smile back, and his smile grows.

He points to the empty seat with the bowl of soup sitting in front of it.

"Eat something! You have been running all afternoon! Must be starved!" He exclaims.

I take the free food and sit down, digging in immediately, I look up at my father and remember Robbs words...

"Dad...I want to forgive you...because I want you to be my dad again. But I need to know, that you won't just don't this to win me back then stop being my father again." I say and put my spoon into my mouth, his soup was always better then mine...

He nods slowly before taking a deep breath and using a napkin to wipe his mouth, before sitting forward.

"I promise you Jon, I will be the father you want me to be at the best of my ability, I could not be sorrier about the last few years..." He says softly.

I sigh. "What made you change your mind?"

He sighs. "I saw the video on Instagram. The one of know destroying the punching bag..."


"Yes...I didn't realize what pain I was causing you, I am going to make sure you don't have to feel that pain anymore." He pledges.

"Dad...I forgive you...if you be my father, like you should have been." I say and he nods. "But Dad...there is not much you can do about my pain."

"What do you mean?" He asks frowning.

"Though some of my pain is about you not being my father...its more about that day...the day I lost her..." I admit and find myself staring at my half empty soup bowl.

"Oh...well then...I uh...I don't know what happened that day either...I was happy. I had a great friend for once, one that seemed loyal and didn't want me for my company, but then one morning he thinks I stole money from him...used our partnership to gain access to his bigger business... I am sorry that problem got in the way of you and Daenerys...I wish I could convince him it wasn't me..." he mumbles, his tone breaking my already shattered heart.

I let loose a massive yawn. "Jon go get some sleep; I will clean up...I know you have that tournament in two weeks. I booked us tickets to go early, explore Chicago a bit, clear our heads and bond like we should have been doing..."

My solemn mood flies out of the roof. "When?!"

Dad looks at me weirdly. "I hope you don't mind..."

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