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A/N: Don't listen to sad songs while reading this, I am warning you.


The last few weeks of Jon being in Chicago were amazing, some of the best weeks of Dany's life to be truthful.

Jon and his school went completely undefeated and won the champions title with ease, Dany was at every match, supporting him as he dominated any opponent he came across. It was clear Jon trained more then the average person and due to that his skills were through the roof.

Two days before Jon and Ned were leaving back to New York, Dany was planning on how to get back to her house so she could grab some of her most important objects.

She would need them for her new life in New York.

Around Midday is when everything, absolutely everything, got flipped on its head, courtesy of her father.

Dany checked her phone, which she had been on silent and she immediately knew she had made a mistake.

There was a text from Missy, saying that her dad had came over to check on her, only to find neither Dany of any of her personal belongings at her house.

Aerys had demanded the location of his daughter and scared, Missy had told him.

The text was sent ten minutes ago.

Her heart stopped in her chest when the front door received three firm hard knocks. She bolted up, knowing what would happen if either Jon or Ned got to the door before she could warn them.

But as she ran around the corner everything moved in slow motion, Jon was grabbing the door handle and pulling the oak door open, where she could see the outline of her fathers huge frame through the window waiting.

She froze and decided to hide behind the corner she ran out of, closing her eyes tight and praying this was just a nightmare.

But the sound of her thundering father's voice confirmed it was not.

"You! Where is she?!" Aerys yells at Jon.

"I-I Sir-"

"Don't Sir me! Where is she?!" 

"I don't k-know!" Jon stammers out.

"I know she is here and I have come to take her home!"  Aerys roars in Jon's face.

Dany steps out the same time Ned comes out to investigate the shouting.

Aerys turns to Ned and his face immediately twists up in rage.


"I don't want to hear your voice Ned!" Aerys interrupts, turning and spotting Dany.

"Daenerys! Lets go!" He yells.

Dany looks down. "I don't want to."

"You don't have a choice! I am your father and unless you want to cause more commotion you will come with me now!"

"Hey! Watch it, she is your daughter!" Ned yells, Jon backs away from the two men.

"Exactly! My daughter! NOW DAENERYS!" Aerys bellows.

"Stop it! She doesn't want to go with you! You scare her! You are a terrible father!" Jon yells.

Aerys sends a death stare at him, causing him to flinch.

Ned steps in front of Jon and Dany, his tall muscular frame blocking his view of them.

"Leave." Ned hisses.

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