The Party Prt.2

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Note: This story is so much fun to write!


Jon was not in the mood and he hated these events, he knew it meant a lot to his father because he was going to inherit the company, so he had to meet his 'future partners' as his father said.

He hated these events because of Catelyn, she always forced him to be the one at the back, the one in the corner, he knew this one would be no different. His Father had started to notice how bad she was getting and was getting more and more angry every time she did something to dishonor Jon.

As soon as he got there Catelyn told him to stay behind her children and keep his head down, even though his father told him to do the opposite. He knew father and Catelyn's relationship was breaking because of him and he didn't want to make it any worse, so he listened to Catelyn.

A few hours in he realised he was right and there was nothing different about this party then all the others except for the people, the people where wearing much more expensive clothes and jewellery, he could tell the party was higher up then the usual ones.

They were called over by Ned to be introduced and he immediately fell to the back and put his head down, he heard Catelyn introduce everyone but him and he felt sad, he hated her, and she hated him. She was evil.

He saw his father grab her angrily and whisper something in her ear, he then looked at him and introduced him as Jon, it was then he looked up only to be met with the prettiest eyes he had ever seen. No scratch that, prettiest girl he had ever seen, and no one came close.

But that was not what surprised him the most, what surprised him the most is when she smiled at him, he was never looked at like that, and she was looking at him like that. He couldn't help but smile back at the girl, he noticed the shine in her eyes when he did.

He then looked at the man that was definitely her father, he had heard this was his Fathers new Partner, he looked like a pretty strict man but also a smart man.

He then looked at Catelyn and his smiled dropped, she was giving him the death stare and he couldn't take it anymore so he turned and walked away.

He was trying to find something to distract himself with when he saw a stool and a bench, he climbed up the tall stool that was literally his height and sat down. A man from behind the bench smiled at him.

"What can I get you young sir? Juice? Milk? Water?" he said politely

Jon smiled at the man "Juice please. Apple if you have it"

The man nodded and turned around, opened the fridge and grabbed a massive container of Apple juice, he then grabbed a glass and poured some in and turned back,  and put a straw in the glass, he looked at him with a smile.

"Here you go, tell me when you finish" he nodded at him and the man walked to the other end.

He bent down and tasted the juice, it was refreshing and cool, just what he needed. He couldn't get her smile out of his head, and it was really annoying him because he knew he would never have the guts to talk to her.

Just then someone jumped onto the stool next to him, he turned thinking it would he Arya or Robb the only siblings that talked to him, Bran did as well but not very much.  He almost spat his drink everywhere, she was sitting there smiling at him.

"Hi Jon" she said

He just stared at her for a few seconds amazed she was even talking to him, after he realised he was staring and that was rude he tried to speak

"Um...H..Hi..hello" he said attempting to talk normally failing miserably

She giggled at him, he smiled at her, he didn't think anyone could make such an adorable sound and he wanted to hear it again.

"I like your smile...I mean I like...your...your... face...sorry." He said his cheeks burning red

She laughed again and he couldn't help but laugh as well.

"I like your laugh as well" he managed to say properly

Her smile beamed brighter "Thank you Jon, I like your smile too"

He sipped more of his juice trying to think of something to say when she spoke.

"You seem like you are grounded, did you do something wrong?" she asked politely

He looked at her not knowing how much he should say, he looked into her pretty violet eyes and for some reason knew he could trust her.

"Daenerys is your name right?" she nodded "Daenerys my step-mother Catelyn doesn't like me very much, so she forces me to stay back and keep my head down."

"Step-mother? If you don't mind me asking, where's your mother?"

He couldn't look away from those eyes, they were like pulling him to tell the truth.

"My mother died giving birth to me..." he said sadly, he turned and drank more juice, when suddenly she put her hand on his. Her touch sent jolts through his body and he didn't know why.

That was the first time a girl had touched him like that. Sure he had touched girls before, but never girls like her and never with bare skin, only has he touched his sisters hands like she was touching him.

"Jon I also lost my mother when she gave birth to me" she says with a tone that makes his heart break.

He looks at her curiously. This perfect little princess had scars that no one could see, and she was showing them to him.

"Oh...I am sorry" he said looking into her eyes

"I am sorry about your mother as well." She paused and looked at him and her smile reappeared "I want to be friends"

He felt like he had just been hit by a bus. This girl, the prettiest girl in the entire world, wanted to be friends with him? A shy boy who had a miserable life at home.

"Me? You Want... To... Be... Friends... With... Me? He asks his mouth wide open

She giggles at him "Yeah I want to know you better...and" she looked to the floor then back up at him, she tucked a loose hair behind her ear

"And I really like you"

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