Bottled Up Emotions

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"Dany?" a deep voice asked.... Holy fucking shit it was Jon.

Don't cry. Don't have a panic attack. Don't faint. Don't die.

My pep talk to myself didn't really work and I found myself sobbing into the phone unable to move or respond to him.

"Dany is that really you?" his voice asked, basically a whisper, but full of emotion.

"Yes, it's me. It's me Jon." She whispered through a sob.

To her surprise she heard a sob on the other end. "I have missed your voice so much." He whispered.

"I have missed you." I whisper back forcing myself to stop crying and speak to him while I can.

There's no response and I start to panic. "Dany...I can't believe it.... 5 years...I have missed you so fucking much."

I no longer can hold my sobs and tears back, while I ball my eyes out, Drogon jumps onto my lap snuggling into me, comforting me.

"Jon...I...." I have no idea what to say. What can you say?

"Dany?" he softly asks.

"Yes?" I whisper back.

"Can I tell you something?" he says, and I can feel the smile on his face.


"I...I want...I need to see you again. Ever since you...I have...lost myself. I need my BFF." He says and I break down.

My heart hurts so much, but that's because it's getting stitches, the wound will always be there, but it's being mended.

"I am still in Chicago Jon, and our fathers still hate each other, how could we possibly see each other?" I whisper scared my father will here as I am not sure if he is at home or not.

"I don't fucking care, I am going to see you soon Dany, I promise." He says and I can't stop the swell in my heart when he does.

"Jon, I don't sleep anymore, ever since that day..." I whisper

"Me neither...I changed, my father changed, nothing is the same. My life fell apart." He says softly.

"I miss you so much, I miss being In your arms while we watch a movie until we fall asleep, I miss playing games and building hammocks and blanket forts with you, I miss you playing the harp while I sing-"

"DAENERYS!" Her father yelled and she jumped three meters high immediately ending the phone call.

"Y-yes F-father?" She stammered at her rage erupting Father.

"Why aren't you at school!? Who were you on the phone too!? WHY ARE YOU CRYING?!" He yells walking over standing in front of me.

I get angry. Bad idea. "MAYBE BECAUSE MY LIFE IS SHIT! AND ITS YOUR FAULT!" I scream but instantly realize how dumb that was as a loud crack sounds through the room.


I fall to ground resting against the couch and ball up, holding my knees tight to my chest and cry, my cheek hurts from the slap but I barely notice it due to the pain on the inside. Drogon is growling furiously next to me, his eyes hunting down my father.

I give him a pat and he stops, no one dares pat Drogon. People have tried and he has left marks.

He crawls onto me forcing me to open out of my ball for him to fit on my lap because of his size. So we lay there, Drogon comforting me while I took in my own fathers words.

Maybe I should leave. Go to New York and find Jon. I think I will, the only thing I didn't want to leave was Missandei. I knew she didn't have any parents and her older brother looked after her, maybe she would come with me...

Drogon jumps off my lap and retrieves my phone, which I am surprised at, because I never taught him to do that.

I immediately call Missandei and to my surprise she answers.

"Daenerys? You alright?"

I start crying whatever tears I somehow still have left.

"Daenerys what happened? I am leaving school right now."

" can't."

"Yeah, I fucking can and I will, I don't care if I get detention, you need me. See you soon."

Then she hung up. I was so grateful to have Missy as my best friend. So grateful. She is basically the only reason I survive school and my father.

I wonder why Jon hasn't checked if I was alright. Maybe he had grown some brains and decided it was smart not to text me.

He knew me better then I know myself, he could help, but I needed some time to process things, I would call him later.


I was dying here, pacing up and down my room like a crazy person. Was she alright? What happened? Does she need help?

All questions I couldn't fucking answer because I was scared to text her at the chance her father saw it was me, he would probably get really mad, I bet he still hates me, even though I literally didn't do anything to him, except love his daughter.

Hearing her voice again meant so much to me, hearing her cry shattered me more then broken glass. The sun was shining through my window and was melting the snow on the ground, making my window all cloudy.

She missed me like I missed her, her life was hell like mine. Not a good thing but it proved to me she may feel the same.

I was going to find her and save her from her cruel life, even if we have to run away together. I paced and paced until Ghost barked at me from his bed.

I stopped and glared at him, his red eyes just glared back "Fine." I huffed and walked out, while Ghost went back to sleep.

I went to the one place I could rid myself of my frustration. The gym, the one in my house. It wasn't as good as a normal public gym. It was better and bigger.

My father came here a lot as well, so I wasn't too surprised when I saw him doing some weights, I put on my headphones and I thought like always we would ignore each other. So I was very surprised when he called out to me.

"Hey Jon!" he called out while doing some bicep curls. I was ripped. But my dad...he was like Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson and he was ridiculously strong.

I spun around and gasped to see him smiling at me. "How was your day?" he asked and my heart skipped a beat, my father was, One. Talking to me. Two, smiling. Three, asking me how my day was.

"ummmmmm....ok." I replied frozen in place.

His smile faded and he took off his headphones, and stood up walking over to me, he removed my headphones and grabbed my shoulder.

"Jon I know nothing can...change what happened, I also know you may not ever forgive me, but...if you can find it somewhere in your heart to do so, I want to talk...I am so sorry...I haven't been your father...I am so sorry." He says and I see tears in his eyes.

I stand there my mouth wide and he gives me a sad smile, then pats my shoulder and walks out. Leaving me standing there trying to process everything that he said.

What.... The. Fuck. is. Going. On.

I need to talk to someone, I can't hold back anymore, I can't bottle up anymore and talking to Ghost isn't enough. 

But who would listen to me? Who am I comfortable with knowing this? Who knows me better then I know myself?

There is only one person I can think of.

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