Chapter one

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I'm standing at the helm of my father's ship, looking out over the crew and the ocean. This is one of my favorite places to be. The salty sea air fills my nose and I close my eyes in bliss. I smile to myself, taking in the scent wholly. So familiar and calming. 

The wind is with us today and the water is peaceful. The soft waves crash against the ship, rocking it lightly. Luckily, my sea legs are well equipped and never even waiver. The ocean glistens in the sunlight and is a magnificent blue. A beautiful sight to behold.

My long brown hair blows about in the soft breeze. It frequently brushes over my face, tickling my nose and cheeks. I push my hair back and fasten it back with a leather tie I always keep wrapped around my wrist. I let out a light sneeze as I let my hair disturb my face for too long.

I feel a hand reach around from behind me and push a stray piece of hair, that I obviously missed, behind my ear. I have a single strand of hair that is shorter than the rest and I'm never able to secure it with the rest of my brunette mane. I turn and find myself looking at my father's sea green eyes. I smile at him and he smiles back.

"You missed one," he jokingly says. I huff and roll my eyes. He does this often as my hair is always a mess. He is an incredible father and also mimics the behavior of a mother at times. It is quite sweet as he's had to raise me alone.

Looking at him, you'd never be able to tell he was the father of a 19 year old girl... Well, I look like I'm 19. I'm not overly sure of my actual age as I've traveled the worlds with my father. Every world works differently and has a different measurement of time. Some places have time that travels a lot faster than others.

My father has spent large amounts of time in these such worlds, hence why he still looks incredibly youthful. In looks, he is only about 10 years my senior when he is really a lot older than that. It gets very awkward when people mistake me for his lover compared to his daughter. When I was a girl there of course was no question, but for those who are unaware that Hook has a daughter, they assume I'm his lover.

"I always knew you would make an amazing sailor one day, I just never knew how good," he says to me. "And I don't believe I ever will because you never cease to amaze me."

"Did you ever have any doubts?" I ask with a cocky grin.

"Never." He says with no thought at all and ignoring my smugness. 

"I learned from the best and picked up a few little tricks of my own along the way," I say raising my eyebrows and still maintaining my smug grin.

He smiles and laughs a little, making me do the same. He then moves away from me and descends the stairs onto the deck where the crew are. He immediately starts shouting orders at the crew and they all immediately obey without question and curt "Yes, Captain." I roll my eyes and laugh to myself. He's hopeless. 

But he's all I have. I was born and raised on the Jolly Roger. Well, born isn't exactly the word for it. My mother, Melah, was killed by the Dark One while pregnant with me. The Dark One is this evil being that makes deals with people giving them what they want but it always comes with a heavy price. Rumpelstiltskin is his name, I believe. It's a strange name but it strikes fear into the hearts of everyone so I suppose it serves it purpose.

We were docked at port at the time of my mothers death. Rumpelstiltskin made sure that my mother was unable to be saved. He was angry at my father and mother and wanted to make sure my father suffered forever for something he had done to him. Hook hasn't told me why the Dark One hates him so much but I do worry that it will one day catch up to him.

The Dark One left my father alive but he cut off his hand for good measure. I guess he wanted my father to have to live with the pain of losing the woman he loves for all eternity. A cruel punishment indeed. I wonder what my father did to the Dark One for him to punish him so. Perhaps it wasn't anything, knowing the reputation of the Dark One. 

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