Prologue: The Twelfth Day of Christmas

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6th January 2021 3:14 am:

"How did we get saddled with this-this thing?" Crowley, the demon had asked the Angel, Aziraphale very seriously with a hint of disbelief. 

"It's a baby, Crowley, not a thing"

"Okay, so how come I come to visit you the day before we move in together after you called me thinking it was an emergency, and the first thing you do is point me to this baby that I've never seen before?"

"It's a Nephilim"

"I know what it is! It's not possible- it's hardly likely for a Nephilim to appear out of nowhere unannounced. Was this the big man* upstairs' fault?"

"I suppose it materialised out of me"


"yes, I was trying the whole sleep thing you do and it just appeared- That's the best way to describe how angels end up creating their offspring, it's the only way I can see that happening since God creates angels not their offspring"

"Right- now we've established that it's your thing, how's that possible, considering where probably wasn't a human- wait there wasn't another person you're seeing right? Behind my back?"

"I'd never- you're the only one I've been with, my dear"

"Right so that means-"

"-That it's also yours"

"It's not a Nephilim then, it's a Cambion-"

"-Or it's both"

"Half demon-half angel? That's not possible"

"Anything is possible. It's clearly a gift from God- or you know, Satan, or both"

"What kind of a gift is a baby? no, no, no this is something much worse, this is something that shouldn't exist! this shouldn't be possible- it's never happened before!"*

"What are we going to call her?"

"If you name it then you become attached to it"

"It's not an it! it's our daughter, We're supposed to look after her"

"I'm just pointing out we didn't exactly plan this did we?"

"It's ours Crowley! You can't be suggesting-"

"I'm just saying it's an option- if neither of us wanted it- not that I don't want it-"

"We're keeping it"

"Okay, glad we've established that"

"Any ideas for a name?"

The demon rolled his eyes at his partner? boyfriend? Boyfriend sounded better, boyfriend's insistence and although Aziraphale couldn't actually see his eyes roll since he was wearing his sunglasses like always even in the darkness of the early morning, he felt him perform that action.

"Fine, we'll call it Delilah"

"That means delight or flirt I don't think-"

"She looks like a Delilah"

There was a pause from Aziraphale and a small smile appeared on his face

"She does doesn't she?"

"We can call her Lila for short of it makes you feel better and you can pick the middle name"

"Hmm... Delilah Eden"


"Well it's where our friendship and now relationship started I suppose"

"I do like that. Delilah Eden Crowley"


"Well, you don't exactly have a surname do you angel? Unless you want her to be called Delilah Feel which, would not be a good name for a kid. And if it's down to us to look after this baby then she will need a surname to fit in with society"

"No I don't, angels don't need surnames and neither do Demons but you make a good point, Crowley is a better sounding Surname for the baby"

The demon and the angel looked down at the cot with the Nephilim? Cambion? Half angel half demon thing settled inside sleeping peacefully.

"Wait! If she's a half Nephilim half Cambion then the big guy upstairs knows we've had sex- won't you fall?"

"I don't think I will"

"Because if you fall then it'll be my fault and I don't know if I could cope knowing-"

"Crowley, my dear, I won't fall, I promise, I've got a feeling this was part of one of God's plans besides they still haven't contacted us since- well, last time"

the pair glanced at the small baby as it squirmed and kicked in it's sleep, then looked at each other, and Crowley was the first to speak.

"okay, fine, if you say so. raising a child,  it's not like we're raising the Anti-Christ"

"I mean, how hard can it be?"

"exactly! it's going to be a breeze! a walk in the park!"

it was not, in fact a walk in the park. it was far, far, from it.
* Woman technically, but Gender labels weren't a thing in Heaven or Hell, call Ethereal and Occult brings what you like.
*It had not happened before because, no angel and demon had been in love enough (or stupid enough in another point of view) to actually partake in human activities and listen to their feelings. Crowley and Aziraphale were the only demon and angel (much to the displeasure of their superior higher ups in heaven and hell) to ever partake in such a relationship.
A/N: I'm not going to be delving too much into the early years of Delilah Crowley until much later (maybe in another fanfic) but there will be some insight into it in flashbacks. Just giving readers a heads up! 😊

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