An Ineffable Family

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Dinner at Jasmine Cottage had been a special occasion, full of celebration, they'd done it. Delilah had done it! she'd defeated Lilith, trapping her in the ninth circle of hell to be tortured and chained for eternity. the flaming sword had disappeared and was safe back at the school in London, and presumably children had snapped out of the evil hypnosis set upon them by the forces of hell. The world was spinning like normal and everyone was happy. Delilah, looked around the room, Newt and Anathema were effectively doting over Agnes (to her dismay) saying how proud they were of her, Dexter and Ned were together, Ned fiddling with his phone, probably texting his parents or fiddling with his software app or something whilst Dexter had his arm wrapped around Ned, watching over his shoulder, telling him what to put to his parents, and Delilah thought they'd make a cute couple, if Ned wasn't so oblivious and Dexter's family weren't homophobic. Adam and Pepper were talking to Cyrus, it seemed rather important, but she couldn't make out quite what they were saying, but she was glad that Cyrus was alright, being pulled back from the dead was a horrible experience she knew that, and it made you feel quite sick afterwards, and she'd have to enquire about how he came back later, she was actually pretty curious about it. He kept glancing over at Delilah though and that made her uneasy, were they talking about her? ah that can be a question for another day. Right now she was just tired and wanted to settle down and continue reading Terry Pratchett's 'Discworld' series..... which she had left at home. home... the bookshop... Aziraphale and Crowley! Oh God! HOW did she forget about her parents? Delilah's eyes darted to her iPhone, ten to seven. TEN TO SEVEN!

"Delilah? are you okay?" Anathema asked

"yeah, we have to go!" she said loud enough to rally the troupes

"oh why do you- oh Aziraphale and Crowley"

Delilah nodded and the group headed outside to the gate, the stars twinkling above them good as new, you could probably see Alpha Centuri from here if you tried hard enough*

"it's too late to get a bus and Adam put the Bentley back where you took it-" Agnes pointed out

"Dick Turpin!" Newt exclaimed


"my car- you could borrow my car"

"do you really want me driving your car uncle Newt?"

"well on second thoughts"

"thanks for the offer, and the food by the way"

"no need, you're always welcome to Jasmine Cottage" Anathema said

"how are we going to get back?" Ned asked

it was then that a bus horn sounded, and a bus appeared out of nowhere, with London on the top.

"did you do that?" Dexter asked Delilah


"that was me, boy, these miracles are really good once you get used to it" Cyrus admitted

"Cyrus! you can't just do that, what if the driver questions it, that poor man" Delilah turned to him

"eh he won't know anything angel, don't worry" the boy smirked

"I'm not a- you know what? sod it, I'll let this one slide"

"knew you'd warm to the nickname eventually"

"have not, I'm sick of it, I almost puke every-time my dad calls my pa that"

"stop squabbling like an old married couple and say goodbye before the bus drives off" Adam said

Delilah turned to Adam and hugged him tightly

"thank you, for helping me out"

"you're welcome but you really don't need to say thank you, you're my little sister"

The End Days (well, years)- a Good Omen FanficWhere stories live. Discover now