A Conversation

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Delilah was laying in a bed in her borrowed pyjamas*. her head was spinning from the anger she's just come down from and she just felt numb now. she could feel nothing and all she wanted to do was sleep. sleep was nice, Delilah liked sleep. sure she technically didn't need it, the same with food by why waste such an activity that could effectively pass the time. So she closed her eyes and decided to try that.

It didn't work.

she couldn't sleep.

she guessed it was probably because she was worrying about a lot of stuff no thirteen year old should be worried about. So, she just lay there, in the guest room of Cyrus' house* staring at the ceiling waiting for the sun to rise. Tom Black had banned all discussion of an explanation to the group until Delilah was in the right mindset and ready to talk without getting to emotional. that was some good common sense, Delilah had guessed, on his part because no doubt Cyrus had told him about her outburst that evening. so naturally, as she lay doing nothing, her mind made a list, usually this was a way to get her to sleep, making lists. so she did, she made a list of thing what a twelve year old should be thinking about and what they shouldn't be.

Stuff a twelve year old (nearly thirteen year old) girl should be thinking about:

• That TV show/ musician/guy you like
• Getting your first period
Making friends
• What are some new swear words you can learn
Stuff a twelve year old (nearly thirteen year old) girl should not be thinking about:

Saving the world
• Threatening to kill someone
• Parents dying (or the ethereal equivalent)
• Your Parents might not come back from being 'dead'
• The world ending before your thirteenth birthday
• The fact the world is ending
• The fact that all of the above is your fault

"it's not your fault"

Delilah heard something say in the back of her mind. she shut her eyes, silently telling the voice to shut it before actually replying out loud to reaffirm it.

"yes it bloody was"

"Delilah Eden Crowley listen to me when I'm talking to you please"

Delilah's eyes snapped open. That voice was not in her head. it sounded as if it was coming from the end of the bed. She sat up and squinted in the darkness, to see Aziraphale, sat on the bed opposite her. Her eyes widened in shock

"pa? what the hell?"

"that's not a nice way to greet your father" Aziraphale said

Delilah reached out her hand towards him, but Aziraphale frowned, and Delilah knew she couldn't touch him.

"where are you? how are you doing this?"

"purgatory has this kind of telephone system that allows for the dead to contact the living if only briefly"

"purgatory? why are you there?"

" it was just where i ended up. I suppose heaven and hell don't quite know what to do with me"

"and dad? is he there with you?"

"no, I assumed he was still with you" Aziraphale looked very concerned

"his body was there in the bookshop like yours was, like he'd been shot with the celestial gun as well"

"oh dear, that's very concerning" Aziraphale said " I'll try and see if I can find him, he probably just got misplaced"


"don't worry, I'm sure he's alright" Aziraphale smiled at her "where are you?"

"Cyrus' house, it's the only place we could think of that was safe" Delilah said "well, Cyrus thought of it- I was kind of, emotionally compromised"

"I'm sorry"

"not your fault, Lilith did it but because I'm supposed to stop her" Delilah looked down, tears filling her eyes "it comes down to me"

"no that's not true, your dad and I were researching ways to stop it"

Aziraphale smiled sympathetically at the girl wanting nothing more than to hold her and promise her it'll work out

"I wish you were here, both you and dad, it would be so much easier and I wouldn't be so lost"

"we are, we're in there" Aziraphale pointed to his chest

"pa, that's cheesy"

"doesn't make it any less true" Aziraphale said "oh I'm running low on time"

Delilah looked up and dried her eyes

"We'll find a way back" he said "angel's promise"*

Delilah smiled

"talking to you and knowing at least one of you is around in some capacity has made me feel a lot better"

"that's what I've always been good at, talking"

"I'll try my best to stop untimely Armageddon two, I promise and I'll bring both of you back"

"I have all my faith in you, no doubt your dad will too"

"Love you Pa"

Aziraphale faded before she could get a response back, and she was alone. It was still dark outside but she heard a knock at the door, she glanced at the clock on the bedside table, 7:30 am.

"Lila, dad's made some bacon and eggs if you want some?"

Delilah smiled, filled with determination and hope after that talk with Aziraphale, and answered his question

"tell him to save a plate for me"

She got up, made the bed and hurried out the door, hoping that an explanation at the breakfast table will serve some light on the situation to her and the rest of the group.
*From Cyrus' older half sister Artemisia,  from a failed relationship Tom had when he was sixteen. she is ten years older than Cyrus, obviously not a half-demon and did not escape her father's obsession with the Persians and the Persian Wars. she now lives overseas in New York, with her fiance Jonah.  

*There was no way Tom was going to let Delilah share a room with three hormonal boys, although nothing was bound to happen and he had every faith in the four of them he wasn't going to risk it since that was the exact mistake his parents made when they let him stay in a room with his girlfriend from secondary school at sixteen.

*'Angel's promise' was a thing Delilah created when she was very little, it was originally the angel equivalent of a 'pinky promise' but it just kind of a thing that stuck when she was older. Delilah also created the phrase 'Demon's promise' for Crowley (but  that did not stick like 'angel's promise' did). 

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