The Loser Troupe

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A/N: Sorry, this chapter isn't as good as the others (especially the bit with Delilah and her group of friends). I was struggling a bit. But also the group of friends in this are ones for making decisions quickly, being easily persuaded (which is probably Delilah's 'fatal flaw'). So maybe that could explain the awfulness of the first part.
Cyrus Black was Delilah's best friend and had been since they met in reception class*. He was also the son of their secondary school's head of Humanities. this was a fact that would not be important, unless, it followed his every waking existence, which unfortunately for Cyrus it did. Cyrus  was named Cyrus because of his dad's ever growing interest into the Achaemenid empire* and Tom Black had named him after Cyrus the Great, a man, in the bible actually were kind to the Jews and protected them. This was especially true in the fact that Cyrus had become the protector of the misfit gang known as 'The Loser Troupe'.

The Loser Troupe were a group of four teenagers, who formed because they felt that they just did not conform to any of the schools sense of the norm. The four members were, Cyrus, born on the 31st December 2020, seven days before Delilah, to Tom Black and a woman called Lily* who then buggered off twenty days later. he was deemed the group's 'strategist'. He was the only member who should have belonged to the 'popular' group at school and had lots of popular friends but he preferred to spend time with his actual friends. next was Ned Wilkins, the tech guy, born on the 19th May 2021, was named because he was born on the anniversary of the end of game of thrones and his parents were big fans of the show in it's prime. Ned was the type of boy who was the insufferable know it all and proud, which was why he never had any friends but it was also why he became a member of the group, they learned that it was all a mask to hide his worried like nature and they grew to like him. thirdly there was Dexter Jones, born on the first of March 2021, in Boston, USA, Dexter's family moved to London when he was eight. his family were very traditional and he just didn't fit in with tradition. he was the group carer (or the mum friend). lastly there was Delilah, 'the leader' who as you can probably guess fitted in perfectly, being the daughter of an angel and a demon* and her peculiar personality, being extremely obsessed with what would be deemed 'odd' for normal teenagers, stuff like plants and paintings and old books. she was also the only girl in the group. and when she arrived at the main rendezvous of the group in a tree-house at the back of Cyrus' house she was rather surprised to find them all scrambling to hide something fro her.

"hi guys, what were you hiding?"

"nothing!" Ned exclaimed

"we weren't expecting you to be here for another half an hour" Dexter added

"no matter, we saved you a biscuit" Cyrus smiled at Delilah

"is something the matter Lilia?" Dexter asked handing her the biscuit tin

"adult stuff"


"yeah something about some Lilith woman and a plan. I think it was bad but I left before another word was said"

"aren't you a little curious what it was about?" Cyrus asked 

"a little?"

"well then why don't we do some research?"

"research on what?"

"what the plan could be, my dad said weird things have been happening ever since the week after i was born, around Soho and it all started when babies were being kidnapped after a woman called Lilith moved into the area then she left fourteen days later. there's a biblical figure called Lilith in religous texts who kidnapped children"

"you can't actually be suggesting, Cyrus, that there's a connection?" Ned said "the probability of that happening is like one in like six billion"

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