Preparations for The End Times

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The sky had already started to get dark as the group reached the cricket field, but that only somehow set the mood for what was about to occur.

"so how do we know it will work?"

"we don't, we just have to try and hope for the best"

"you've got a flaming sword but what do we have? we don't have any weapons" Agnes asked

"holy water. you didn't think I'd give every plant mister to the adults did you?" Delilah clicked her fingers and appeared four plant misters and two pairs of leather gloves which belonged to Crowley.

"what's with the gloves?" Cyrus asked

"one for Ned. you know in case my parents make an appearance, if he's holding holy water then, my dad might get wiped from existence if it touches Ned's skin. the other pair is for you"

"I'll be fine"

"I'm not risking it"

"but what about you? You're half demon too"

"eh, the angel half of me should protect me"

"you don't know that-"

"well let's just hope I'm right"

"you're way to over confident about this"

"are you ssssure?" Delilah hissed as she handed each of the group the misters and Ned and Cyrus the gloves

"okay, I was much happier when you were acting over confident" Cyrus commented just as the ground rumbled from beneath them, almost making them lose balance. It was time.


Meanwhile, Aziraphale had been in a spot of bother. After his celestial 'phone call' to Delilah and somewhat possessing Dexter's body, he'd been certain that Delilah could handle the situation and that he would be able to help her in some capacity. but now he wasn't entirely sure about whether he could. Delilah had seemed awfully upset last time he took over Dexter, like she was overly stressed and not thinking straight. on top of that, Aziraphale was worried out of his mind for Crowley, who he hadn't heard from since he told them he had to go because the torturer was back, and what if something had happened to him? what if he'd been hurt? or worse, subjected to holy water! He didn't know how he could help from Purgatory, but he could try one thing. he could pray.

so he did.

"God Almighty, hello, it's the principality Aziraphale here, umm sorry I haven't spoken to you in a while, I've been a bit pre-occupied with raising a half demon, which I've never actually said thank you for giving me and Crowley her, anyway, I really don't know, if you can hear me from here, but I've found myself in quite a pickle, Crowley's been kidnapped by the demon you asked Delilah to protect the world from, in your own way of course, and I'm a little lost about what i should do. Delilah need's help, if this plan is going to work, and I have utmost faith in her that she will bring balance to the world once more, but I think she might need some help and I don't know how to help" he started to speak before giving up completely, remembering the last time he got remotely close to God this way

"oh, what's the point, you'll only send the Metatron and he's not going to be any help with this situation"


there was a bright light. and the voice it was not the voice of the Metatron, it was one Aziraphale hadn't heard in six millennia.

"why are you upset?"

The End Days (well, years)- a Good Omen FanficWhere stories live. Discover now