Talking with Authority

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Driving into Tadfield, Delilah had never felt more alive, she was thumping along to Queen (which had now moved onto 'Bohemian Rhapsody'), singing at the top of her lungs to the song. everything was going to plan, no interference from up above or down below, the car hadn't been damaged in any way, and her friends seemed to be more comfortable with her driving, in fact Dexter and Cyrus were singing along with her and Ned was nodding along. It was easy! nothing could stop her! she was certain that within the three hours she had until Lilith's plan would be successful, she'd be able to restore balance to the world and save it from another apocalypse and get her parents back! However, those thoughts were short lived and the feeling of excitement and determination was brought down by a single sentence;


the group only had a second to grasp that in the middle of the road stood a tall lady with black hair and a really short red dress on, before Delilah swerved to avoid her, the group screamed as they, skidded on the ice, spun around in circles and crashed sideways into a tree trunk blocking the road and the last thing could remember was thinking 'that woman literally appeared out of thin air'.


Delilah opened her eyes and blinked her eyes into focus. the first thing she registered was, that she was not outside of Tadfield anymore, she was in what seemed to be a large, white waiting room, full of felt chairs, in rows of three lining the walls, and most noticeably two doors at each end of the room both with a sign above them. the right door's sign was a big gold and silver one with 'Heaven' written in a font that could only be used for a large corporation and the left door's sign was a red neon flickering sign like one you'd get out of a rundown night club with 'Hell' written on it. there were also other doors, but those were the two important ones that gave Delilah a clue as to where she was.


The next thing that Delilah registered was, two voices, arguing with one another, and as soon as Delilah sat up, she could a see immediately who the voices belonged too. a demon with a fly hat, and an archangel in a grey suit

"she belongs to us Beelzebub, your lot has nothing to do with this"

"we have everything to do with this archangel, she'z part demon az well as angel"

"oh look she's awoken, good, we can brief her of the situation"

"tell her where she's going you mean"

the Archangel held out his hand to the twelve year old as she stood up, staring at the both of them.

"Delilah, hi, it's me your uncle Gabriel-"

"you're not my 'uncle', Gabriel, you're my pa's boss" Delilah deadpanned "and I know who you are too Beelzebub, Satan's right hand man, or woman, in your case"

"let's start again, welcome to purgatory" Gabriel said "well some of it anyway"

"where are my parents?"

"Aziraphale, isn't in this part of Purgatory at the moment, sorry, he's too far away to bring to join the demon and I in discussing this"

"and the Demon Crowley iz currently stuck in the depths of hell being tortured to our heart's content" Beelzebub confirmed what Delilah and Aziraphale had both suspected, before the pair turned back to arguing, each other's case for the girl's soul.

"zhe was tempted to murder Lilith, you saw how zhe would have done it" Beelzebub hissed

"she never acted on it, she's always been honest and following the ten commandments"

The End Days (well, years)- a Good Omen FanficWhere stories live. Discover now