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The ground stopped shaking, at the cricket field in Tadfield, Oxfordshire. The Sky had somewhat darkened as the ground shook and when it had stopped completely a familiar, Black haired lady stood before the group of children, thousands of demons behind her ready to fight for their new ground, she signaled for them to halt and not immediately charge at the occupants of the cricket field.

"mortals! Bow to the forces of Hell or suffer their wrath!" she bellowed at the five of them (or seven if you count Aziraphale and Crowley).

Delilah stepped out from the centre of the group as the designated leader, she guessed it was her job to do all the negotiating.


"oh look it's heaven and hell's abomination, I thought I'd killed you in that bloody vehicle"

"nasty word abomination, sorry Lilith, no, it's going to take a lot more than a simple car crash to kill me"

"car crash?" Dexter suddenly exclaimed in Aziraphale's voice "you said it was a bus crash"

"the question is who's car did you crash?" Ned asked in Crowley's voice

"I'll explain everything later" Delilah said completely not phased by the fact that Aziraphale and Crowley had made an appearance once again.

"what do you want?" Lilith spat at the girl

"you really don't think earth will just submit to demons taking over, do you?"

"they will when I start killing their women and children"

"said every bad guy ever" Cyrus muttered

"ah my son, Cyrus, wasn't it? how's your daddy dearest? still heartbroken?"

"yeah, he is no thanks to you! and I'm not your son. You're just the bitch who gave birth to me!"

"is that any way top talk to your mother?"

"it is when she's a backstabbing piece of shit who's only goal is to emotionally destroy my crush"

"I'm sorry, your WHAT?" Delilah turned to Cyrus

"doesn't matter, end of the world"

"you'd better explain that later"

"enough! I will give you all an option, join us now or die a painful death"

"we're never going to back down! and humanity will never let you take over!"

"well, they will submit to me once they see the example I've made"

"ah, ah, ah, we've got a Raging Poison Sword Of Doom so I suggest you stay where you are"

Delilah pointed the flaming sword at the demon trying to act and look threatening*

"you did get the reference I made earlier!" Cyrus said

"you didn't think I wouldn't just ignore my best friend's favourite DnD podcast did you? even if it is like two decades old at this point"

"no, Although, it's technically a raging flaming sword of doom in our case"

"it's practically poison for ethereal and occult beings though so it still works"

"give it up Lilith, your attempt at domination will fail. we've got holy water!" Agnes added her grip tightening around the trigger of her plant mister

"the worst threat to the forces of Hell" Delilah smiled

Lilith laughed at that threat and shook her head

The End Days (well, years)- a Good Omen FanficWhere stories live. Discover now