Time for an Explanation

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The rest of the Loser Troupe were still worried about hurting Delilah by bringing up the fact that her parents had just died, so they were quite surprised when the said girl hopped down the stairs and into the kitchen in a seemingly cheerful mood.


"good morning Delilah, you seem to be a lot more yourself this morning" Tom Black said as he pushed a pate of bacon and eggs* towards the space next to Cyrus.

Tom Black was a man in his late thirties, who had the look in his eyes of someone who had aged about twenty years in about half of that time. He had a very good nature and the most patient human Delilah had ever met, and that's saying something considering he had to raise a half demon on his own without barely any help. 

"I am, thank you Mr Black"

"I've been telling you since you were four, call me Tom"

"oh, yeah, thanks Tom" Delilah said as she slid into the seat next to Cyrus, who seemed to relax a bit more upon realising that she was feeling better, and had smiled at her, passing her the cutlery she smiled back as she took a knife and fork from his hand.

"um Tom, since we're all here, maybe you could tell us what's going on exactly?" Dexter asked "please?"

Delilah looked at Dexter who was was sat next to Ned before looking at Tom who sighed.

"I guess I owe you four an explanation" Tom said "have Cyrus and Delilah explained everything they can to you two boys?"

Delilah and Cyrus both immediately replied with a 'yes, absolutely everything' in sync with Dexter and Ned's 'no, barely anything'

"right looks like I'm explaining everything from the beginning" Tom said leaning over the table "In the beginning, in 4004 BC, at the creation of the earth, God created two human beings, Adam, and Lilith"

"I thought it was Adam and Eve?" Ned asked

"but within a day of Lilith's creation, God decided that Lilith was not in her image and so damned her to hell and created Eve instead, and well you know the story of Adam and Eve. however in the garden, there was also the Angel of the eastern wall and the serpent, who were supposed to be adsversaries but found some common ground in the fact that they both liked earth and were too much like each other. anyway they became friends and stopped the apocalypse and later romantically entangled, resulting in the first ever half demon, half angel"

"that's me by the way, hi" Delilah said

"meanwhile, Lilith had her own plans, during the apocalypse that was not, she decided to seduce a single father into having another child, eventually giving birth to a boy the dad named Cyrus seven days before Delilah came into existence"

"right okay we get it so what's this got to do with us?"

"well, Lilith had a plan  to use earth as kind of her new breeding ground/ playground, something which could only be stopped by said half angel and demon which was why when she found out there was one in existence she tried to kill it to avoid a prophecy about her plan failing the day of said child's thirteenth birthday"

"what? she tried to kill me?"

"Aziraphale told me that she was looking for you after meeting up with Crowley in a bar"

"right so Aziraphale just told you all this?"

"he did once he realised that I was the only person who had never been properly corrupted by Lilith's ways"

"failing that, she obviously thought the best option was to break her opponent into bits and go after the two people she cared most about, your parents"

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