The Anger of Demons

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Delilah kicked a can of seven up into the road as she walked, down the streets away from the shop, the can flung out into the road and crunched under the wheel of a car. She'd always imagined what it would be like to lose parents, not because she wanted them to disappear of course, it was more of a fear, rooted in her from childhood and now that that fear had come true, she was surprised at what she felt. anger, not sadness, that was bound to come later, pure, built up rage and it honestly scared her.

"Delilah hold up!" Ned yelled over the roads that signalled three o'clock and the school run.

"Stop following me, you don't have any roll to play in this!"

"you can't just go around killing people!" Dexter exclaimed "I-It's not right- you said so yourself"

Delilah turned around on her heal, to face her friends, anger was evident but to her friends surprise (and terror) it was the worst anger, calm anger.   

"Why can't I? It's what Lilith has been doing- She's practically killed my parents, Eye for an eye"

"it's not you" Cyrus said surprisingly calm for this situation, he may be a  bit of an arsehole sometimes towards her because of his goddamn crush, but he was still her best friend and he'd dealt with Delilah's fits of anger before*, and even though it was a completely different type of anger, Delilah was still Delilah and that meant remaining calm to help her out and talking her through it. "none of this is you"

Delilah wasn't listening, she didn't care if it wasn't her anymore, she was different, changed, and she was either going to kill Lilith or die trying. no matter what her friends said.

"I want to kill her and I will do"

"would your parents want this? think, what would Aziraphale and Crowley think of this?"

oh low blow. 

"dad wouldn't give a crap about what I did- he never did!"*

"Aziraphale then? what would he think?"

Delilah did not answer that question, she was silently eyeing Cyrus' rucksack, with a look as if she was thinking of something terrible and they both could take a wild guess at what was going to come next. It was an inevitable one.

"Cyrus, do you still have that holy water on you?"

Cyrus knew that it was a bad idea to give her holy water, especially when they didn't quite know the effects on half demons*, and especially  when she was being like this. Delilah strode up to him, fists clenched, and glared at him with a dead, cold look in her eyes. Delilah may have been both half demon and half angel and therefore theoretically more powerful than anyone  in the group, and whilst Cyrus was all for killing people via holy water and enjoyed minuscule bits of violence, he was not about to give in and give her a potential suicide pill or murder weapon.   

"I'm not going to answer that"

"give it to me"


"I'm sorry?"

"you're not having it"



Delilah hissed at him and angrily turned away, aiming to storm away from the group, but Cyrus grabbed her shoulder pulling her back to face him.

"don't hiss at me" he said sternly "I don't really do the whole 'talking sense into other people' thing but you're my best friend and I don't want you on a one way ticket to Hell, so I'm making an exception"

Delilah tried to shake her shoulder away from his grasp but that only made him hold her tighter, doing the opposite effect that she had intended she let out another hiss of annoyance and anger.

"I know that you're hurting right now but you're being irrational-"

"irrational? I lost my FUCKING parents!"

"Delilah, when you come down from the rage and found that you've hurt someone or worse, do you really want to have that blood on your hands?"

"you're just saying that because she's your-"

"You know more than anyone that I don't give a shit whether she's my mother or not, she ditched me with my dad when I wasn't even a day old, remember?" Cyrus said "now answer me! Do you want that? do you really really want somebody's life on your conscience?"

Delilah blinked a few times, realising what was going on, what she had been saying and threatening, suddenly the depression part of grief hit her as she slumped forwards into Cyrus and broke down.

"oh god, I-I- I'm sorry, I did this, They're gone because of me- Cy- I don't know what I'm going to do-I-"

"I know, I know, Lila, I know" he held her tightly his arms wrapping around her

"what do we do now?" Ned asked "what are we going to do?"

"I have an idea" Cyrus said softly but with enough certainty to let the others know the plan, he handed Dexter his phone

"what am I supposed to do?"

"ring my dad and get us to pick us up, she's in no state to walk"

"what use would that do? you saw what happened last time adults were involved" Ned pointed out "Delilah's parents died"

"they aren't dead, just separated from their bodies"

"my dad could have some more information that could help us, so that's where we're going"

Dexter swiped the phone and unlocked it and pressed the emergency contact known as 'dad' and put it to his ear

"hello? Mr Black? it's Dexter Jones here" he began looking at Delilah and Cyrus "yeah, we need some help"  

*He was often acted as someone Delilah could vent to if she was upset and vice versa.

*That was not true, Crowley did care about what Delilah did, of course did, he's her dad after all, he was just way more lenient than Aziraphale, which ultimately caused Delilah to believe that he didn't care.

*Because of course he's never experimented with it before so Cyrus wasn't entirely sure whether the other human half (or in Delilah's case, angel half) would cancel it out or not.

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