A Living Hell

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To say hell was bad would be an understatement. In fact, there probably wasn't a word to describe how bad hell actually was, which was something Crowley had learned fairly quickly after falling (he did not fall, he sauntered vaguely downwards into that pit of sulphur). and just when he thought that he had finally  escaped the clutches of the horrid place, he was thrown right back into it. only now he was in chains. literally.

After the bullet had entered Crowley, he'd woken up chained in a dark dungeon like room that could only be conceived in Hell, every single one of the worst torture methods in existence were there, the brazen bull, heretic forks, a version of Coffin Torture, thumbscrews, you name it, it was probably there and Crowley suspected that he'd probably be put though each one since the rest of Hell assumed he was immune to Holy Water. the door opened and in walked Beelzebub, the leader of hells forces (and Satan's right hand man), and the demon who had but him in here in the first place, Lilith.

"Lord Beelzebub" Crowley said with his signature smile "Lilith"

"Crowley" Beelzebub said "Lilith tells me you've refused to join uzzz"

"well, I've been busy you see, parenthood really takes it out of you"

"we're here to proposition you Crowley"


"yes, Lilith tell him what'z going to happen"

Lilith smirked and bent down to Crowley's height

"you're going to join us or you'll be subjected to all these torture devices until you concede and join my army"

"ah, there's one problem, my body is still on earth, you can't physically touch me"

"you're forgetting that we've granted you a copy of your original body for that reason"  Beelzebub said "a body that means if you leave hell, you'll be left without one"

"ah, right so no chance of escape then?"

"certainly not" Beelzebub said

"and failing that, we can make life very hard for your boyfriend. not that he has one." Lilith said

"Aziraphale" Crowley suddenly remembered the fact that Aziraphale wasn't there with him which made him very scared, for Aziraphale's safety "what have you done to him?"

"oh nothing terrible yet. sent him to a place of no belonging that's all"

Purgatory. Crowley knew that's where Aziraphale would end up, he just hoped he was safe* and he really hoped the angels didn't know he was there who knows what could happen then.

" you think I'd join you on a lost cause? you'd have to be mad" Crowley spoke with a laugh

"right, then looks like it'zzz the thumb screws for you" Beelzebub said indicating for Lilith to put the medieval torture device onto Crowley's hands, she slipped them on with the same evil grin and started to tighten them but before they could get to bone cracking tightness the door to the room opened interrupting them.

"My Lord Beelzebub we have a problem" Hastur hurried in

"what iz it?"

"the abomination is out to stop us" Hastur said

"the abomination?" Crowley asked

Lilith stood up straight and her grin got wider

"my opponent in the battlefield, the one I will destroy with my bare hands, is on the move" she spoke "it's time"

Crowley remembered what Lilith had said before she shot Aziraphale and him and through word association, he immediately figured out who exactly they were talking about. There was only one person they could have been talking about after all. Delilah. 

"but they have the flaming sword. they took it from the school" Hastur said a little bit scared

Crowley laughed and the three other demons looked at him with annoyance.

"that's my girl!" Crowley smirked, a look of pride on his face "you're going to be in a lot of trouble once she's finished with you"

"not if I get to her before she can use it" Lilith said turning towards Beelzebub.

"Hastur, go and get Dagon to ready troupes, Lilith, start enacting  your plan"

"what about me? what are you going to do about me?" Crowley inquired

"we told you what's going to happen to you" Beelzebub replied "that'z not going to change Crowley"


"bring in the torturer!" Beelzebub ordered as the three demons left the room leaving Crowley chained without any chance of escaping.

And as a big brute of a demon, holding a whip entered and walked towards Crowley, despite the grim looking situation, Crowley smiled the biggest  grin he could muster for no matter how unsure the situation was, he still had one thing the others didn't*. faith in others. and if there was one thing he could hold on to in grim moments like this, if he had one thing that would keep him going, it would be his upmost faith in his family. his daughter would win and make things right. Believed in her.        
*Purgatory, whilst regarded as a rather safe place, did have some dangerous aspects that could pop up randomly, mostly to test those waiting, and although those were generally hallucinations of something hellish that turned out heavenly or something heavenly that turns out hellish, and could not strictly harm humans, it could be damaging to angels or demons.  
* well Demons did generally have faith in Satan. But, he was not a typical demon, and so, had faith in two things, his angel and his offspring, which he supposed happened when you were the only demon with an imagination.

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