Odd Occurences

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Dinner at the restaurant was horrible, not the food, of course, Delilah found her chicken korma very tasty and everything, no, what was horrible was the silence. Delilah wasn't stupid, like most adults forget, children are smarter than they seem, her parents had been fighting. the tension between them was horrible. also the fact Crowley was repeatedly stabbing his piece of chicken curry with a fork like a little child and Aziraphale wasn't even looking at the demon didn't help hide the fact that they had.

"okay, what happened between you two?"

"nothing" Aziraphale looked shocked at this "nothing at all"

"oh okay, so dad just happens to have a vendetta against his chicken vindaloo"

"there's no need to use sarcasm" Aziraphale said "it's something that has to be left to me and you dad to sort out"

"oh... okay"

There was no point in arguing. it would ruin the evening and she really didn't think her parents wanted an angry hormonal preteen on their hands tonight. they clearly had enough on their plate.

"is the Lilith person Gabriel was talking about the demon Lilith?"

worth a shot, asking them outright.

"honestly?" Aziraphale said


"yes, she is"

"what's she planning?"

"that, doesn't concern you" Crowley spoke up "it's for upstairs and down below to sort out"

this was uncharacteristic of her dad. Crowley was usually on board with letting Delilah know what was going on in the worlds of demons and angels but now he was against it? why?

"maybe I could help?"

"no it's far to dangerous" Aziraphale said

"I agree"

there was a pause and the angry tension between Aziraphale and Crowley disappeared*, united in keeping their daughter sheltered from the reality of the situation.

"I was just curious" she smiled "you two are talking"

"you- you did that to get us to agree with each other?"

Delilah shrugged

"the mood was ruining the food"

Delilah took the last bite of her curry and put her fork on her plate

"so how's your planning for the arts competition going?" Aziraphale asked

"I keep changing my mind. I don't know whether to submit a painting or do a duet with Cyrus"

there were two things Delilah were exceptionally good at. Painting pictures and hitting high notes, for years she'd dabbled between the two, struggling to decide what she wanted to be good at, so when the competition at school came up she had the chance to do one of her favourite things. The Loser Troupe had been betting on what she'd chose, with Cyrus even offering to sing a duet with her if she did singing (and getting him to win the bet). it was tempting her to take him up on his offer, he had a particular way with tempting people and succeeding which she found odd and rather demonic, but then she did grow up around a demon so maybe she was just over thinking it.

"you could do both" Crowley pointed out

"that would be cheating"

"nobody would know you submitted two"

"i'm not cheating"


"are we going to do pudding?"

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