The Return of Odd Weather (or the Tadfield Interlude)

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In the Oxfordshire village of Tadfield, Adam Young was staring out of the kitchen window, he usually did this when he was making dinner or drinks or something but this time was different. he somehow found himself reflecting on life after discovering he was the Anti-Christ and stopping the apocalypse at age eleven and how good and peaceful it had gotten.

He'd gotten through secondary school with average grades, gotten a nice job, bought a house in Tadfield (it remained his stomping ground after all of these years later) and married one of his childhood friends, Pepper, which was a surprise to everyone considering she was probably the least likely girl they knew to get married. The Them has also changed in many ways, for one, Brian and Wensleydale had moved away with their new families soon after Pepper and Adam's wedding but of course they didn't lose contact. The Them were always going to be around until the end times. speaking of Adam and Pepper's wedding, it was a nice summer day two years ago, the sun was shining for most of it, (of course it wouldn't be a British summer with a few showers of rain), but ultimately everyone in Tadfield had forgotten about the events of summer 2019.  well apart from Adam. and Pepper, Brian, Wensleydale, Anathema and Newt (to some extent) and even some of those outside of Tadfield remembered, namely Aziraphale and Crowley, his godparents, technically, not officially. Aziraphale and Crowley had been there for him through the difficult teenage years with stuff his parents couldn't handle and he regarded them as family, especially after Delilah was born when he was fifteen. Delilah was like a little sister to Adam (of course he had an older sister, Sarah*, but nothing compared to a younger sibling) and Adam was happy to help her out with stuff her parents couldn't. He wondered what Aziraphale, Crowley and Delilah were doing now, it was high time he visited London, and Delilah's birthday was in a couple of days, maybe he could convince Pepper to take the journey down and visit them at the weekend.

It was then that Adam noticed, that the sky had taken a turn for grey storm clouds, and he felt a feeling of dread. but he didn't have time to dwell on it as Pepper had called into the kitchen.

"Adam? have you forgotten to bring the drinks out?"

Adam snapped out of his thoughts and suddenly realised that the drinks he had been sent out to make and hadn't had a chance to were there, on a tray on the kitchen table, steaming and ready to go. weird, that hadn't happened since- well since he was eleven. eh, he wasn't to worried, maybe he'd forgotten that he'd already made it. he picked up the mugs and walked into the living room, with the tray of five drinks for him, Pepper and their three guests.

The three guests were the Pulsifers, who had been invited round by Pepper since they hadn't had a chance to see each other before new years. Newton Pulsifier and Anathema Pulsifer (nee; Device) were now in their early thirties, and had known Pepper and Adam since they were eleven and the almost Apocalypse, Newton and Anathema had moved to Tadfield and into Jasmine Cottage officially two months after said apocalypse was averted and had been married very soon after (mostly to do with the fact that Anathema discovered she was pregnant and Newton being Newton, obviously proposed, but he claims it was just odd coincidences and timing). They'd had a daughter nine months later, who was now thirteen, and sitting on her new game device, trying to get the cartridge of a game to work*. her name was Agnes Pulsifer,  the great granddaughter* of Agnes Nutter, Witch, and Thou-Shalt-Not-Commit- Adultery Pulsifer, witch finder major. Agnes had her mother's hair colour and skin and her father's eyes, she'd also somehow inherited curly hair (most likely a dormant gene from Anathema's side of the family). she had smiled politely as Adam handed her the cup of hot chocolate.

"as I was saying, weather's gone miserable again" Adam said

"that's British weather for this time of year" Newt said "but yes it's been full of unusual weather patterns recently"

"nostly it's ice rain and tornado strong winds" Adam said

"it's definiateltyy pointing to another apocalypse?" Anathema said

Adam, Pepper, Brian, Wensleydale  Newt and Anathema had been keeping an eye on things in Tadfield ever since the whether started playing up, three weeks ago but unfortunately Brain and Wensleydale could not attend the meeting as their work and families had to come first. but it was becoming more and more likely that another event is happening or going to happen.

"maybe" Adam smiled

"weird things have been happening though you know, your dad's car got swept away in the wind to days ago" Pepper pointed out

there was a pause in the conversation before Pepper spoke up "but it's probably nothing compared to the time Adam told of Satan"

"what? how can your remember that? i wiped everyone's memories of that" Adam asked

"oh i remember, Newt and I stopped nuclear destruction"

"thanks to being horrible at computers"

"if you guys remember then that means"

"Adam's powers could be coming back"

"well i definately did not make these drinks I would have remembered"

"has anything else odd happened?" Anathema asked

"not that I know of" Adam said

"if your powers are coming back then it's definitely an apocalypse or something similar" the thirteen year old spoke up "you should talk to Aziraphale and Crowley"

Adam didn't need telling, he put down his drink and pulled out his phone. He just hoped they'd be able to offer some kind of explanation to what was going on and he was really hoping the world wasn't ending... again.   

*Book reference! (in the Good Omens book the young's have a daughter, Sarah as well as Adam)

*Her dad had broken the game cartridge whilst he tried to get her device set up for her, due to his notorious bad luck with technology, she has now learned to never let her dad anywhere near her technology.

*A few generations down the line of course, she just hasn't figured out how far down the line she is. 

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