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The boys won't be in the band

Hi im tegan merrel cooper im 19 years old from Florida but i moved to minnastoa about 2 years ago . I have an older brother named romeo and a older sister named lena. And i actress but non of my friends know . And thats all u need know for now

Romeo ; going outTegan : yh same Mom : no t

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Romeo ; going out
Tegan : yh same
Mom : no t

We quickly walk out the door

Romeo ; jeuse she drives me crazy
Tegan : leave her alone but anyway see ya
Romeo ; bye

We go out separate ways and i meet my friends

Riley : hey
Tegan ; ello
Jonah : little sis
Tegan : don't call me that
Jonah : why not
Tegan : just don't
Jonah : no can do little sis

I roll my eyes

Riley : i want to cause troble
Tegan : same tho
Jonah ; no stop with the troble do u know how many times I've been grounded because of the amount of troble . I get in because of u lot
Riley : then don't get court
Jonah : no and im not allowing u either to get any more troble
Tegan : why me
Jonah : because your like a sister and i don't want u in troble
Tegan : shut up
Riley : your such a loser
Tegan ; he is honestly
Jonah : shut up u two
Riley : what ever
Tegan : uh what now then
Jonah : we chill
Riley : dead
Tegan : agreed
Jonah : why are u hard work
Riley : cause we are
Jonah ; god help me
Tegan ; help me from your dead ass
Jonah : little sis shh
Tegan : hoenah fuck off
Jonah ; do u want to shut up
Riley : do u both wanna shut up love each other
Tegan : eww
Joanh : aww come here tig and ri
Riley : eww fuck off
Jonah : hey u said love each other so that's what im doing

He pulls us into a hug and Riley pushes him off but i don't i embasse it

Riley : true love there
Jonah : love u sis

I slap him uhh he knows i hate it when he calls me sis or little sis and he knows it

Riley : why aren't i your sister
Jonah : cause i don't know u like i know this one
Tegan : i have a name
Jonah : yh sis
Riley ; how have we not killed him yet
Tegan : no idea
Finally : hey guys
Tegan : finn

I get up jumping on his back and Riley hugs him

Finally : was i missed that much
Me and Riley : yes
Finally : my ear and off me

We get off

Jonah : hi
Finally : yh hi
Riley : finn
Finally : yes
Tegan : when are u two gonna fuck
Riley : yh what she said
Finally : an't happening
Riley ; i know anyway how was LA
Finally ; amazing so hot , hot girls loved
Tegan : nice
Riley : Jonah why aren't u talking
Jonah : tired i guess
Tegan : lets get hype
Finally : i got the tunes

He turns on the music and me and riley dance around being stupid

Jonah : i might go
Tegan : stay jonah don't be boring
Jonah : no i think its best
Tegam ; jonah your staying
Jonah ; fine
Riley : yes

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