I wake up to my annoying alarm going off i sit up grabbing my phone tunring it off . And i get out of bed going to the bathroom brushing my hair and teeth and i sit down on the sofa . And its time to call Becket

Becket : hey hows LA
Tegan ; ok really hot already
Becket : i bet
Tegan ; we need to talk
Becket ; ok are u ok
Tegan : im ok
Becket : so what is it
Tegan ; i went to Finleys party yesterday and a guy i will not name kissed me . And bef
Becket : u cheated on me
Tegan : he kissed me i swear Becket
Becket : u still cheated
Tegan ; i know and im sorry but he was wasted probley doesn't rember
Becket :  who was it
Tegan ; u don't know him
Becket : tell me
Tegan ; it doesn't matter
Becket : do u like him
Tegan : n...no
Becket : thats just answerd my question and if u didn't like him u woudent protect him
Tegan ; becket
Becket : no tegan u have fun in LA were over don't talk to me again
Tegan : don't do this
Becket : i should daughter like father u know cheating runs in the family
Tegan ;  if u must know i pushed him off stright away because i care about u and your feelings and thats why i told u. But screw u no more like fuck u and go fuck any girl u want because thats all u do good bye have a nice life

I hang

Jonah ;u and Becket just broke up
Tegan : yes and all thanks to fucking u

I get up walking to my room getting dressed and i walk out

Tegan : going shop to get some stuff see ya
Jonah : tegan
Tegan : bye

I get the keys walking out and i get in the car driving to store and i get a load of food . And some noodles for the pool and i pay for all the stuff and i drive back

Riley : get in the pool
Tegan ; ok

I go to my room getting in my swimming custom and i walk out jumping sitting in the pool

Tegan ; fucking hell that's cold
Jonah ; it is
Finley ; am i the only one who's still tired
Riley : im shatterd but we can have chill day today have an early night and then exsplor tomrrow
Jonah : that sounds good
Riley ; have u called Becket
Tegan ; i did he broke up with me but I'll get over it
Finely : sorry
Jonah ; i am sorry i was drunk but do i regret it...honestly no i don't im happy drunk me told u before i went insane
Finley : ha ok good on drunk Jonah
Tegan ; ok
Jonah ; we still need to talk
Tegan ; and we will
Riley ; let enjoy now
Tegan : i brought noodles
Riley : finn get them
Finely ; on it
Tegan : like a car bonnet

We all start laughing

Jonah ; what the fuck
Tegan : its funny
Riley : delusional
Tegan : probley
Finley : here

He passes us noddles

Jonah : lets see who can stand on the noddles longest and no touching the floor
Finley : 3...2....1 go

We stand im the noddles and finley falls stright away and then i do then jonah and riley wins

Riley : suck it
Tegan : hands go

I go under water and i do hand stand which is easy for me cause i used to swim a lot . And i can hold my breath for ages

Tegan ; i won
Finley : jeez
Joanh : we need to chill not tieryer our selfs even more
Riley : agreed

I lay on my back floating around

Finley : I'm getting out im hungry
Tegan : im gonna have a shower
Riley : ok

I get out the pool getting a towel drying myself and i walk inside going to my room getting a few things and i go to the bathroom turning on the shower and i have my shower i get dressed and brush my hair . And i walk out

friends / jonah maraisWhere stories live. Discover now