Skip 3 weeks just got back from Florida

Lena : feels good to be home
Romeo : u leave again tomrrow bacm to LA
Lena : still feels good
Tegan : it dose
Mom : go unpack or what ever your gonna be doing
Tegan : defantly going for a nap
Lena ; same

I get my stuff going upstairs and i unpack all my shit

Riley ; hi
Tegan : hey
Finley : yh hi

I try to hug them but they push me away

Tegan : whats happend not huggers anymore
Jonah : u lied to us
Tegan : what
Riley : you've lied to us since day one
Tegan : what are u on about
Finley : your an actresse u never told us which means u could be fake and lied to us . Mean why didn't u tell us u acted
Tegan : omg is that what your pissed about that im actress i never said
Jonah : yh
Tegan : sorry but I've been used to people useing me for the past 7 years so desided not to say anything . And i know u guys would never use me but it never came up and i am sorry
Riley : u should of told us
Tegan ; i know and im sorry forgive me please
Jonah : i can
Finely : i guess so
Riley : sure
Tegan : good
Riley : so side effects what the hell it get steamy for u and that guy
Tegan : keil
Riley : yh him
Tegan : yep
Finley : i need to show u my fav scenes of the show

I cover my face the whole time

Riley : is there gonna be season 4
Tegan : no cause they found out what happend to the dad
Jonah : since when have u be able to sing
Tegan : as long as i rember
Finley : u and keil
Tegan : friendship
Riley : i ship u two
Tegan : never ever never ever
Joanh : so anything new u doing for your career
Tegan : i start filming for a new show in a few months
Jonah : whats it called
Tegan : can't say but what have i missed theses past few weeks
Finley : we've chilled
Jonah : i went to portland to see frineds
Tegan : thats where daniel lives right
Jonah : yes it is
Riley : Daniels cute
Jonah : Riley hes not looking for a fuck
Finley ; and way to inacent
Jonah : he is
Riley : still cute
Finley : im cute
Riley : u had your chance
Jonah : mate rejcted
Tegan :not the only one
Finley : u put yourself there
Riley : u did
Tegan : don't care
Jonah : make me feel bad
Tegan : well don't were good were friends thats all that matters
Jonah : true

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