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Skip a few days been in minnastoa for a bit

Romeo : hey
Tegan ; hi
Will : afternoon
Tegan ; it feels good u being here
Will : yh i just want to be here for lena
Romeo : we all do
Dad : kids shes going to be ok
Romeo : how do u know she got told yesterday that the cemo isent working and now she's in intensive care.
Dad : because i know the cooper women are strong
Robin : and i may not have knowen u all for that long but what your dad has said . I belive u are strong people and that lena will get throw this u all need to be strong . And be there for her
Will : were defantly going to be there for her
Dad : good
Tegan : yh
Dad : guys just chill
Romeo : I'm going to see lily
Dad : ok
Tegan : I'm going upstairs

I walk upstairs and will comes with me

Will : i like robin
Tegan : i do aswell
Will : how did dad that get that
Tegan ; i don't know shes so pretty and then she ends with our dad like what .
Will : its shocking
Tegan ; it is plus he is quite litrally old enough to be her dad . Yet shes knocked up by him
Will : and there's like a 27 year gap between this baby and Lena dads eldest daughter . And robin is younger so when this kid can talk its gonna be like my sister is older then my mom

I let out a little laugh

Will : Tegan
Tegan ; yh
Will : i want u and the rest of the family to move back to Florida
Tegan : u know lena can't go on flights
Will ; were go on a little road trip i just want my family around . I can't go back to Florida with out u all and u know i can't move to minnastoa . Not when bellas there and her family and nan and everyone else is there
Tegan : we can't just pack and leave i have a boyfrined now i have frineds i don't want to lose . Romeo has a girlfriend thats going throw shit at the minute
Will : i want to talk to everyone else about it
Tegan : ok
Jonah ; hey
Tegan ; hi come in

He sits down cuddling me

Will : how are u
Jonah : im good but how far is robin shes massive no offense to her
Tegan : 8 months
Jonah : about to blow
Will : she is but i can't wait to know if its a girl or boy
Tegan : i think its gonna be a boy
Jonah : i do aswell
Will : i think a girl
Tegan ; were just see
Will : havw u heard about lena
Jonah : i have im sorry
Tegan : we can't see her at the minute
Jonah : why
Will : the hospital just want to get her settled in before we start seeing her so moms with her
Jonah : so messed up it should be up to lena
Tegan ; she agreed aswell but i think shes pushing us away
Will ; yh
Jonah : when shes ready she'll let u see her
Tegan ; hopefully
Jonah : she will
Will ; I'll leave u
Tegan ; see u

He goes and i lay down

Tegan : hows E it was her first day at collage today
Jonah : she enjoyed it and she can't wait to go back
Tegan : that's good and how was having the boys here
Jonah : it was good and they said seeing u was good
Tegan ; i atchally love them there so nice and funny
Jonah : they are
Tegan : how are Christina gabbie and kay
Jonah ; the boys said there good Christina and gabbie want to see u again .
Tegan : i want to see them plus gabbies pregante
Jonah ; she is
Tegan : like when jack told me i was like huh what Gabbie
Jonah ; i was the same when jack called me that night and i was like am i dreaming .
Tegan ; i thought i was going crazy
Jonah ; it was pretty unexpected
Tegan : it was
Jonah : jeez
Tegan : i still need to meet kay instead of FaceTime throw zach
Jonah ; yh but she never travels shes lives in LA
Tegan : hey i might me her when i start filming
Jonah ; maybe
Tegan : which reminds me can help me go throw my lines
Joanh : sure

I get the script and we start going throw my lines and we do that for a good hour .

Jonah : u did good
Tegan : thanks
Jonah : are u exsited to be filing again
Tegan : i am and to meet the cast
Jonah : i bet but get ready for the early calls and late nigh filming
Tegan : i can't wait its fun plus I'll have coffee
Jonah ; no one word of lie i will marry coffee
Tegan : i honestly think u will
Jonah : what can i say i love it
Tegan ; i know u do
Jonah : also have u seen Finley and riley on social media
Tegan : i have they have caught genuine feelings for each other
Jonah : they have its cute
Tegan : I've defantly lost this bet
Jonah ; your paying for them to go to Australia
Tegan : still just under 5 months for things to fail not that i want that
Jonah ; yh but its gonna be a lot of money
Tegan : i know but i want the people i care most for to be happy so the trip will make them happy . Lenas private treatment im sure is a happy thing because she is getting the best .
Jonah : but u can't buy happyness
Tegan : i know but i just want to show how much they mean to me i have the money . I have nothing to spend it on so may aswell make other happy
Jonah: yh

I sit up and i kiss him

Jonah : what was that for
Tegan : can't i kiss my boyfriend
Jonah ; i never said I was complaing

He sits up kissing me and i kiss him back wrapping my arms around his neck .

Dad : tegan jonah will dinner
Tegan : come on

We get up going down stairs and we eat

Robin : so Jonah how did u and tegan meet
Jonah : i was with my friends at starbucks and we were pushing each other cause were stupid I'll admit that . And i went strigh into tegan making her fall strigh to the floor
Tegan ; may i add i got a massive brusie on my bum for that
Dad : lovely
Jonah : anyway me feeling awful for what i done i brought her a drink me and my frineds sat with her . We spoke and we just become good frineds since
Tegan : and now were dating
Jonah ; yh and now were dating
Will : classic romantic movie
Robin : its cute
Dad : but no funny bussiness in my house
Tegan : there won't be

Will then starts talking and he went on about wanting us to all move to Florida

Robin ; i woudent mind that
Dad : i think we should think about it for a while because it is a big thing
Will : yh of course
Jonah ; no don't move
Tegan : i said i don't want to move
Jonah : good
Robin : David i think my water broke
Dad : what
Robin : ahh ow yh they've defantly broken
Will ; oh shit
Tegan : woah
Dad : ok uh will get the bag come u car
Robin : ok

I get up and me and my dad help her to the car and will brings the bag down .

Tegan : keep us updated
Dad : i will
Will : bye

They drive off and we walk back in

Jonah : i guess your new brother or sister is coming
Tegan : yess
Will : haven't seen u this happy in ages
Tegan : its good new our brother or sister is gonna be here soon
Will : i know
Jonah : get ready for a baby crying at night
Tegan : yay
Will ; fun
Tegan : I'm going upstairs u coming
Jonah ; yh
Will : night

We walk upstairs

Tegan : u gonna stay the night
Jonah : if its ok
Tegan ; u know it is
Jonah : good
Tegan : see in a sec
Jonah ; ok

I go to the bathroom brushing my hair and teeth and i walk out going to my room and i get in my pjs and i get in bed . And i lean over kissing him and he kisses me back and he pulls me on top on him and i start kissing his neck and i feel his bulge and i start laughing

Jonah : what...what stop laughing and tell me
Tegan ; i just rember u telling me that u would never get a boner over me but yet what do i feel.  And have felt for the past 2 weeks

He starts laughing

Jonah ; i guess i said some stuff that was not true
Tegan : i guess so
Jonah : i think I'm a bullshityer back them
Tegan ; i think u were

He them flips us over so hes on top and

Jonah : im not now tho

He them kisses me and i kiss him back

And well u know what they done

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