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Skip 5 months and i filmed for the show now back in minnastoa

Mom : your back
Tegan : im back now wheres lena i haven't seem her in ages and i want a hug from her
Mom ; in her room
Tegan ; ok

I run upstairs going in her room

Lena ; hey
Tegan : hi how are u
Lena ; tired and ill but im ok

I sit down next to her and hugging her

Tegan : i love u so much
Lena : i love u too
Tegan : hows treatment
Lena : still not working they think....i have about 3 months untill i...die

I hug her again and we both start crying

Tegan : no im not allowing u to die im not your my bestfriend my sister i can't lose u
Lena : we've tryed everything its just not working my bodys rejecting it theres nothing we can do now . Its just about time now so with what ever time i have left i want to make the most of it .

I put my hands over my face

Tegan ; I'll do anything for u i wish this was me and not u
Lena ; I'd rather it me then anyone else
Tegan : i wish this wasent u
Lena : but it is and its ok im ok with it
Tegan : this place is such a crule world it is and i hate i really fucking do
Romeo ; it is i do aswell
Will ; its fucked up

I get up hugging him them both

Will : how u feeling
Lena ; I'm ok
Romeo : jeuse i hate this
Lena ; i think i know what i want to do for a last wish
Tegan : what is it , it can be anything
Lena ; i want the whole family together one meal thats my last wish
Romeo : ok were get every one here when ever say
Lena ; next week
Will ; ok
Mom : why don't u guy let lena get some sleep
Lena : yh im tired
Tegan : ok

We walk out and i go to my room shutting the door and i slid down and i break down crying again . I can't help it i don't want to lose her

Tegan : uhh

I get up walking down stairs

Tegan : why didn't u tell me she was this bad i had a right to know im her sister . And she just told me she has 3 months to live i had right and no one told me .
Mom : i didn't want to tell u , u had to film and i didn't want to scare u
Tegan : and what if she died when i was out there and i wasent around do u know how bad i would fill . It would of killed me and it would of been your fault all of your faults
Romeo ; we would of called if she got worse
Tegan : i don't think she can get any worse then that
Mom ; I'm sorry
Tegan : sorrys not gonna fix it because u have taken time away from me to spend time with my sister . I would of dropped eveything and anything to be here
Will : your here now ok that's all that matters were all here
Mom : i am sorry ok im sorry

She hugs me

Tegan ; I'm sorry for yelling i just don't know what to do myself i didn't think id come home and she would be this bad
Mom : its ok your in shock i understand

My phone then starts ringing and i send it to voicemail and i sit down

Romeo : are u ok
Tegan : yh im ok now i just needed to get it out
Will : I'm scared
Mom : were all scared

My phone then starts ringing again and i send it to voice mail again

Romeo : mom lena told us what her last wish is
Mom : what is it
Tegan ; the whole family together one meal
Mom : I'll deal with your dad but if thats what shes wants she'll get it
Will : good
Mom : I'll call everyone back in Florida someone call your dad
Will : she wants it next week
Mom : ok
Romeo ; I'll call dad
Mom : thank u

My phone then starts ringing again and i answer

Tegan ; hey
Jonah : why haven't u asnwerd your phone
Tegan ; sorry been with family
Jonah ; you've been crying

I get up going upstairs into my room

Tegan : yh Lena told me she had 3 months to live
Jonah : oh my god tegan do u want me to come home
Tegan : no i got my family enjoy being with your frineds and tell them i said hi
Jonah : i will in a bit i want to catch up with u a bit
Tegan ; u sure
Jonah : yh
Tegan ; how  is it in Pennsylvania
Jonah : its good just a lot mean u got zach Jack Corbyn daniel gabbie and then all of jacks sisters it a lot
Tegan : i bet there's a lot of u
Jonah : there is but tegan
Tegan : yh
Jonah : how are u and don't say your ok because i can just tell your not ok
Tegan : im angry lena shoudent be going throw this i wish it was me and not her .
Jonah : i know u do but u can't change anything no one can and i know its a shitty thing. I rember when my mom had cancer and i just wanted to be in her place but i coudent.  And it hurt it did but things will get better make the most of what time u have with her make good memories don't think about what time she had left . Make the most of it
Tegan : ok god so good with words
Jonah : i can be and i know this is when u need serious Jonah
Tegan : i do
Jonah : tegan
Tegan ; yh
Jonah ; i love u and i so wish i could say it to your face but I love u
Tegan : jonah i love u too
Jonah : really
Tegan ; i do
Jonah : I've wanted to say that for ages
Tegan : I've loved for ages
Jonah : u have
Tegan : yh you've been there for me even when i haven't wanted u there u never left my side .
Jonah : i would never leave u when u said just because i knew u needed someone . Even when u said u didn't
Tegan ; yh thank you
Jonah : od course
Tegan ; right im gonna go
Jonah ; ok call if u need me
Tegan : i will
Jonah : love u
Tegan : u too

I hang up and i get up and i unpack all my stuff and i get in my pjs and i go to the bathroom brushing my hair and teeth and i walk out going to my room. And i get my covers and pillow and i go to lenas room and i set a bed up on her floor .

Will : what u doing
Tegan ; sleeping in here i want to be close
Romeo : can i join
Will : and me
Tegan ; yh
Romeo ; ok be back in a sec
Tegan ; ok

I look up at lena

Tegan ; i love u

I turn on my side and romeo and will join me

Will ; shes probley gonna wake up and think what's happening
Romeo ; probely
Tegan : im just gonna say i want to be close to her
Will : we all do
Romeo : cancers a sick thing
Will ; it's horrible and no one desvers to go throw it
Tegan ;the familys aswell they get affected
Romeo : they defantly do
Mom ; what are u lot doing
Will : being close to lena
Mom : god i love u all i love how close u all are . And u want to be so near to lena
Tegan : make the most of what time we have left with her
Will : yh
Romeo : were have the most amzing time with her how ever long with her we have left
Mom : good
Will : do u want to join us
Mom : i think i will
Romeo : come on then

She lays down with us

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