Skip a few days

Abby : jeuse what is there to do in this town
Tegan ; a lot of things
Becket : i don't care where i am aslong as I'm with u
Connor ; that is cringe
Tegan ; it is
Becket : don't care
Kian : lets play video games
Tegan :i want Becket to meet my frineds
Abby : lets go
Tegan : good cause i made plans with them and i haven't seen them in ages
Connor ; come on

We walk out the door going to the woods

Riley : abby
Abby : riley
Jonah : theres my brothers
Connor : yo
Finley : about time u came back to minnastoa
Tegan : its been long
Kian ; it has
Finley : who dat
Connor : hes my brother Becket
Becket : hey
Riley : your the half boyfriend
Becket : indeed i am or just boyfrined now
Abby : yh there dating
Connor ; its wired
Jonah : oh so official
Tegan ; yep

I sit down

Riley : i have weed
Tegan : yes
Abby : drugos
Becket : u said u would quite
Tegan ; ones not gonna hurt
Finley : come on roll it

She makes the joint and me Riley kian and Finley pass it around

Jonah : why do u hang out with u
Tegan ; u love us
Jonah ; true but im atchally drueys
Riley ; its weed
Becket : how long have u all been frineds
Finley : 2 years
Abby : i love there friendship like theu can make so many rude comments about each other . And still get along .
Kian ; your rude all the time we forgive u
Abby : were family i have
Connor : yh been dating 6 years
Becket : that's insane tho mean abbys got whipped
Kian : bro shes got u whipped
Tegan ; i have
Jonah ; always knew u were gonna be the man in the relationship
Tegan : u were right
Becket : i am not whipped Connor is
Abby : is he tho
Riley : woudent surprise me tho
Kian : connor and Becket both whipped of
Finley ; i would never alow the girl to be the man
Riley : well she would have no choice with u

We all start laughing

Becket : wow ok
Tegan ; yh its what u call true love
Jonah ; were true love

I let out a little laugh

Tegan : totally
Kian : i really need a girlfriend
Abby : you've been single your whole u defantly do
Riley : hey im open
Tegan ; fuck off u are not dating
Becket : why can't they
Tegan : she fucks and chucks
Connor : dude that's not right
Riley : sorry i like a fuck
Kian : i think I'll stay single
Finley : she might have something
Rikey : u do aswell
Abby : Becket used to be a fuck boy hes probley has something
Becket : fuck off
Jonah : have u two fucked
Tegan ; nope
Becket : I've tryed trust me

I slap him

Finley : get frisky
Connor : please don't

I get my phone

Jonah : knew he was a fuck boy

He wispers

Tegan ; in his past
Jonah : u sure
Tegan : very abby kian and connor keep my updated and he doesn't really leave there side
Jonah ; ok just don't want u getting hurt
Tegan ; i won't and stop acting like my brother atchally carry on i need brother romeos moving in with lily
Jonah ; mhm
Tegan : u ok
Jonah ; fine
Tegan : good so what u been doing u haven't really answerd any of my messages .
Jonah : sorry i saw the message just forget to reply
Tegan ; rude not message your sister
Jonah ; yep
Becket : hey
Tegan : hey

He sits behind me pulling me into him

Becket : its so cold
Tegan ; u get used to it
Becket : i won't
Jonah ; u do

Becket then takes my glasses off and puts them on

Becket : jeuse your blind
Tegan : i am its bad
Abby ; ok that's mean u never let us wear your glasses
Tegan : he stole them
Becket : i did
Riley : im tired
Finley : jonah u ok
Jonah ; I'm fine i might just go
Riley : what why
Jonah ; i umm...don't feel well
Finley : ok
Jonah : bye
Kian ; see u soon i hope
Jonah ; u will
Connor : bye bro

He goes

Tegan : I'm gonna cheak on him

I get up and i go after him

Tegan ; jonah stop
Jonah ; i don't feel good
Tegan : God your fast walker

I stand in front of him

Tegan : are u ok
Jonah : tegan I'm fine I'll tell u if something was up
Tegan ; promise
Jonah ; i promise
Tegan : good
Jonah : now see u go enjoy being with them
Tegan : ok but take care and call if u need me
Jonah ; i will tegan no go
Tegan : fine

I hug him

Tegan : see ya
Jonah : bye

He walks away and i watch him for a bit and he puts his hands behind his head like hes annoyed or something . But i walk back to everyone

Riley : is he ok
Tegan ; hes fine

I sit back down

Abby ; I'm hungry
Becket : me tooo
Connor ; i want pizza
Kian ; we had pizza yesterday
Tegan ; I want Chinese
Finley : i got Chinese tonight
Abby : luckey bitch
Finley ; i better go aswell
Riley : bye
Kian : see ya

He goes aswell

Riley : so Becket what do u do
Becket : im an actor
Connor ; hes been in one thing
Becket : still an actor
Riley : if u stay together your defo gonna have kids who act
Kian : they probley are aswell
Tegan : don't go that far
Becket : little too soon
Abby : so where we staying tonight your mom or dads
Tegan ; dads
Abby ; I'm ordering food to your dads so when we leave it should be there
Connor : thats a shot
Abby : so Chinese same stuff
Kian ; think so
Abby ; ok

She walks away a bit

Riley : i atchally misses u guys here
Connor ; u love us
Riley ; i do the group feels complete when your all here
Becket : true friendship
Kian ; were loved
Tegan : u are u should move to minnastoa
Connor ; more like move to Florida
Tegan : i like it here
Riley : me too
Kian : shame flordia would be more fun for us all
Becket : Floridas dead
Tegan : your dead
Becket : am i now

He pushes me down and clims ontop of me and starts ticking me

Tegan : stoppp
Becket : ok

He then kisses me and i kiss him back putting my hands over my face

Abby : eww stop

I let out a little laugh and He gets off me and i sit up

Riley ; u guys make me gag
Tegan : u gag all the time on dick
Riley : true but shut up
Kian : woah that escalated quick
Abby : it did
Connor ; it always dose
Riley ; right i better go
Tegan : see u soon yh
Riley ; defo love ya
Tegan ; u too

She goes and we all get up going to my dads and as soon as we get tgere our food arrives and we eat .

Dad : so what did u do today
Kian : chilled in the woods
Dad : whats interesting about the woods
Tegan : its quite and peaceful
Becket : its nice
Dad : wirdos
Tegan ; u should knows this by now
Dad : i know
Abby : dazza
Dad : yes
Abby ; I've got a fight for u
Connor : oh dead
Dad : and what is it
Abby ; your face my ass
Becket : what the fuck
Tegan ; they do it all the time
Becket : thats wired
Connor ; thats mt girlfriend
Tegan ; that's my cousin
Kian : thats my sister
Abby : and u all love me
Connor ; we do
Dad : right I'm off to bed
Tegan ; night
Dad : love u
Tegan : u too

He goes

Abby : getting ready for bed
Tegan : same see u boys

Me and abby get up going upstairs into my room and get a few things and i go to the bathroom brushing my hair and teeth and i get in my pjs . And i walk out going down stairs where were all sleeping

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