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Mom : your finally home
Lena : we are
Romeo : lena

He pushes past me and hugs lena

Lena : im back
Dad : why wasent i awear u were coming home
Lena : i just didn't say thought id surprise u
Tegan : im home aswell
Mom ; its good having u both here
Romeo ; it is
Tegan ; I'm going out
Dad : u just got hone
Tegan : i miss my frineds see ya

I walk out the door going to the woods

Jonah : finally back

He hugs me practically killing me

Tegan : can't breath
Jonah : sorry
Riley : so tanned
Tegam : i know so what have i missed
Finley : Riley got arrested
Jonah : that was funny
Riley : shut up
Tegan : what happend
Finley : got in a fight with Adriana because Adriana called Riley a needey bitch .and Riley and Adriana got in massive fight and cops showed up
Tegan : why did no one tell me
Jonah : cause u didn't answer your phone for like a week .
Tegan : sorry
Finely : did u go to LA on your own cause we saw your family everywhere
Tegan : yh
Jonah : do u have a boyfrined were not awear of and u went and saw him i LA

Riley and Finley burst out laughing

Tegan : no i don't i just had to go there for something
Jonah ; well its good having u back
Tegan : feels good to be back
Riley : u missed us
Tegan : i did
Jonah : good cause i missed
Finley : we all missed u
Tegan : good
Riley : any mad party
Tegan : a few
Jonah : so u know that cute girl u posted with
Tegan ; what girl
Jonah : i don't know I'll show u this piture

Tegan : no i don't i just had to go there for something Jonah ; well its good having u back Tegan : feels good to be back Riley : u missed us Tegan : i did Jonah : good cause i missed Finley : we all missed u Tegan : good Riley : any mad partyTega...

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Jonah : that girl
Tegan : oh meg
Jonah : yh shes cute
Riley : so thats guy

Tegan : thats keil Finely : who are thses people Tegan : friend's from LA Jonah : why do u not look like yourself Tegan : uh

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Tegan : thats keil
Finely : who are thses people
Tegan : friend's from LA
Jonah : why do u not look like yourself
Tegan : uh...fancy partys yh partys
Riley : wired
Tegan : right what else should i know that I've missed
Jonah ; still single
Finely : same
Riley : me 3
Tegan : well me 4
Jonah : can u hook me up with meg

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